
The 23rd session of the 17th Hai Duong Provincial People's Council closed, passing 18 important resolutions.

PV Group July 12, 2024 13:05

On the morning of July 12, the 17th Hai Duong Provincial People's Council closed the 23rd Session (regular session in mid-2024) and passed many major decisions and new policies of the province.

Comrade Le Van Hieu, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Hai Duong province acknowledged the good results at the session.

Create conditions to promote socio-economic development

Speaking at the closing session, comrade Le Van Hieu, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Hai Duong province, emphasized that the resolutions just passed by the Provincial People's Council are an important legal basis for the Provincial People's Committee and all levels and sectors to proactively implement the tasks of the 2024 plan.

The guidance of comrade Tran Duc Thang, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, has oriented many key policies and tasks for the Provincial People's Council to discuss and decide.

The Provincial People's Council also spent adequate time for delegates to discuss and question in the hall. The delegates' assessment of the results achieved and limitations in implementing the socio-economic development tasks deepened the contents presented at the session. In particular, the Provincial People's Council unanimously approved a number of policies and regulations on regimes and policies to facilitate the promotion of socio-economic development, serving as a legal basis for implementation in 2024.

At the meeting, delegates voted to pass 18 resolutions.

Putting resolutions into practice early

In order for Hai Duong province's socio-economic development to continue sustainably, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Le Van Hieu requested the Provincial People's Committee, all levels and sectors to focus on:Direct the timely implementation of the resolutions just passed at the meeting; promptly institutionalize them into specific decisions for immediate implementation. Proactively review and evaluate the mechanisms and policies issued by the province for timely adjustment. At the same time, propose specific policies of the province to implement a number of policies of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, following the direction of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary and the recommendations of the Provincial People's Council Standing Committee.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Council requested the Provincial People's Committee to continue promoting administrative reforms, improving the investment and business environment; promptly removing difficulties and obstacles related to land, compensation and site clearance, and focusing on resolving opinions and recommendations from voters, people and businesses. Speeding up the implementation of projects and disbursing public investment capital according to the target of over 95%...

Comrade Le Van Hieu noted that authorities at all levels need to effectively implement solutions to increase revenue, strictly manage revenue sources to meet development investment needs at all three levels of provincial, district and communal budgets and effectively overcome basic construction debt at the communal level. The Provincial People's Committee and departments, branches and sectors need to proactively and thoroughly research and submit to the Provincial People's Council to issue legal documents within their authority, ensuring the implementation of the Land Law, Housing Law, Real Estate Business Law, Law on Credit Institutions, and legal provisions in a synchronous, timely and effective manner.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Le Van Hieu requested the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Council committees, the delegates and the delegations of the Provincial People's Council to continue to regularly supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the Provincial People's Council, the conclusions of the chair at the discussion and questioning sessions, and proactively supervise issues of concern to voters and people.

The Provincial People's Committee, departments, branches and localities urgently organize implementation, soon put the recently passed resolutions into vivid reality of life. At the same time, it is necessary to seriously assess the limitations in management and operation activities to have remedial measures in the coming time.

Trong 18 nghị quyết được thông qua tại Kỳ họp thứ 23 HĐND tỉnh Hải Dương có nhiều chính sách mới như nâng mức chuẩn trợ giúp xã hội. Trong ảnh: Đồng chí Bùi Thanh Tùng, Tỉnh uỷ viên, Giám đốc Sở Lao động, Thương binh và Xã hội trình bày dự thảo nghị quyết
Comrade Bui Thanh Tung, Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, presented a draft resolution on raising the social allowance standard.

18 resolutions were passed at the 23rd Session of the 17th Hai Duong Provincial People's Council

  1. Results of implementing the socio-economic development plan in the first 6 months of the year and key tasks in the last 6 months of 2024
  2. Approving the policy of perfecting the organization, operation and plan to provide additional charter capital for the Farmers Support Fund of Hai Duong province.
  3. Approval of the policy to establish the Cooperative Development Support Fund in Hai Duong province
  4. Amending and supplementing a number of contents on collection levels, collection, payment, management and use of a number of fees and charges stipulated in Resolutions of the People's Council of Hai Duong province.
  5. Approval of land recovery; permission to change the purpose of using rice-growing land and protective forest land to implement projects and works arising in 2024 in the province
  6. Approval of the zoning plan for construction of Kim Thanh 2 Industrial Park, Kim Thanh district, scale 1/2000
  7. Decision to adjust the investment policy for the project to renovate and upgrade local dike works in Hai Duong province for the period 2021 - 2025
  8. Decision on investment policy for the project to build a shared software system, converged newsroom, develop multimedia journalism, digitize Hai Duong Newspaper data and purchase information technology equipment
  9. Decision on policy to change forest use to other purposes
  10. Decision on investment policy for the project to build a road connecting National Highway 17B (Hai Duong province) with Provincial Road 352 (Hai Phong city) from National Highway 17B to Kinh Thay River embankment (Kinh Mon)
  11. Amending Clause 1, Article 1 of the Regulation on social assistance standards, social assistance levels, subjects and regimes for a number of social protection subjects in Hai Duong province issued together with Resolution No. 03/2021/NQHDND dated June 30, 2021 of the People's Council of Hai Duong province.
  12. Provincial People's Council's supervision program in 2025
  13. Decision to adjust the investment policy for the project of the headquarters of the provincial departments, branches and sectors in the Hai Duong Provincial Concentrated Administrative Zone
  14. Promulgating regulations on a number of expenditure contents and expenditure levels for drug prevention and control work in Hai Duong province.
  15. Promulgating the Regulations on State Secret Protection of Hai Duong Provincial People's Council
  16. Policy to support funding for surveying and adjusting cadastral records to issue or register changes on issued land use right certificates and fees for issuing, registering changes on land use right certificates for households and individuals donating land use rights for the construction of public works in Hai Duong province.
  17. Plan for allocating public investment plan of state budget capital in 2025 of Hai Duong province
  18. Adjusting and allocating the 5-year local budget public investment plan 2021 - 2025 and 2024 for the 5th time (provincial budget source)
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The 23rd session of the 17th Hai Duong Provincial People's Council closed, passing 18 important resolutions.