I used to think that all the children in my village were vaccinated against measles, but that is not the case. Measles cannot be ignored.
Early in the morning, the village market was bustling. Mrs. Hong went to the market early so she stopped by to buy some fish to cook. Seeing Mrs. Hong come in to buy fish, Ms. Minh immediately asked:
- Have you heard the news? Mrs. Linh's nephew, who lives next door to you, has measles. He has had a high fever and rash all over his body for the past few days. He had to be taken to the district hospital.
- Oh my god, all the children have been vaccinated, why are they still infected? - Mrs. Hong asked Ms. Minh in panic.
Ms. Minh sighed and replied:
- To be honest, there are still many people who are subjective. Mrs. Linh's grandchild has not been vaccinated against measles. When I took my second child to get vaccinated against measles, rubella, and mumps, I asked her to take me along, but she hesitated. Mrs. Linh also said: "My children are healthy and growing naturally, why inject medicine into their bodies?" Now...
- Yes, children in the past did not get vaccinated but they still grew up healthy - said Mrs. Hong.
The past is different from the present, doctor. In the past, healthcare was not developed, sick children often did not get examined or detected in time. Also, at that time there was no vaccine to prevent measles. Now that medicine has advanced, there is a vaccine to protect, why not get vaccinated?
Mrs. Hong worriedly said:
- But I heard that measles vaccination can cause fever and sometimes anaphylactic shock.
Ms. Minh reassured:
- It's true that there are side effects, but the doctor said a slight fever is normal, showing that the body is creating antibodies. Anaphylactic shock is rare. The commune health station has doctors monitoring carefully, so don't worry.
Ms. Lanh, who sells fish next door, contributed:
- Many people are subjective, thinking that measles is a childhood disease, with a fever for a few days and it will go away. But it's not that simple. Yesterday I read in the newspaper that there were cases of pneumonia and encephalitis complications due to measles in adults.
Hearing Ms. Lanh's information, Ms. Hong worriedly said:
- Yesterday, Mrs. Linh's grandchild came to my house to play. She played with my grandchild all afternoon.
Ms. Minh reminded:
- She asked the boy's mother if she had vaccinated him against measles. If he had, there was a chance he wouldn't get the disease from Ms. Linh's grandchild.
Mrs. Hong heard Ms. Minh's advice and quickly stood up to leave, but did not forget to say:
- Before, I thought that all the children in my village had been vaccinated against measles. Now I see that some people are still subjective. I went home and asked the child's mother if she had been vaccinated. If she had not been vaccinated, she had to be monitored. Measles cannot be taken lightly.