Education and training

Ministry of Education and Training informs about enrollment rate of university majors

VN (Synthesis) August 5, 2024 19:12

According to the representative of the Ministry of Education and Training, the number of high-tech industries such as semiconductor microchips has increased quite a bit. The total number of applications for semiconductor microchip design increased by 30%, and the first application increased by 40%.

Thí sinh tham gia tư vấn tuyển sinh đại học. (Ảnh: PV/Vietnam+)
Candidates participate in university admissions consulting

At the regular Government press conference on the afternoon of August 5, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son informed about the university admission registration situation.

College enrollment rates increased compared to last year.

Deputy Minister Hoang Minh Son said that according to enrollment registration data, there were more than 733,000 candidates out of a total of 1 million candidates registered to take the high school graduation exam. This is a high rate (68.5%) compared to previous years - about 64%. This shows that the demand for studying and graduating from university is high.

Regarding the industry structure, compared to last year, Mr. Son said that the choices of students have changed due to careful consultation on characteristics, career opportunities and majors. Information on the labor market is also close, so the trend of choosing majors and study programs reflects the aspirations and psychology of students, showing positive results.

Specifically, the number of students registering for the fields (24 fields with 400 training majors), the fields of engineering technology, STEAM, information technology computers have a high registration rate. Besides, the fields of educational sciences, teacher training, and pedagogy have a very high number of registrations; followed by the fields of humanities and health.

Compared to 2023, Mr. Son said that there are three fields with the strongest increase in registration rates: educational sciences and teacher training, up 85%. This shows the interest of students in the education sector thanks to policies supporting living expenses, tuition fees, etc.

Semiconductor industry has a fairly high growth rate.

The field with the largest increase is educational science and teacher training, with an increase of 200,000 applications, so the benchmark for this field is expected to increase. The engineering and technology sector has an increase of 100,000 applications.

Some fields decreased such as business management decreased by 3%, down 24,000 wishes; computer and information technology decreased due to stagnation in some related industries, down nearly 5%, equivalent to 15,000 wishes; transportation services decreased by 20%, equivalent to 77,000 wishes.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son

For the STEAM science, technology and mathematics block, the registration rate is 30% - still maintaining a good level of learning demand. Over the years, these are still the majors that have maintained good growth and the total number of wishes increased by 11% this year.

In particular, high-tech industries, such as semiconductors, have seen a significant increase in numbers. The total number of applications for semiconductor design increased by 30%, and the first application increased by 40%. This shows that candidates are very "sensitive" and grasp the development trends of high-tech industries.

"The Ministry will continue to analyze the industries to have more accurate data to provide to the press and society about the registration needs of university candidates," Mr. Hoang Minh Son added.

VN (Synthesis)
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Ministry of Education and Training informs about enrollment rate of university majors