
Public school livestreams drawing of lots for first graders

TH (according to VnExpress) June 4, 2024 17:20

Receiving 716 applications but only having 70 seats for first grade, Gia Sang Primary and Secondary School 915 in Thai Nguyen had to organize a lottery.

Nhà trường công bố số thăm học sinh trúng tuyển lớp 1 sáng 3/6. Ảnh: Fanpage nhà trường
The school announced the admitted students for grade 1 on the morning of June 3.

The entire lottery drawing on the morning of June 3 was livestreamed on the school's fanpage. Candidates were arranged by name, and their serial numbers were also the numbers used for the lottery.

Principal Bui Thi Thanh Hoan said the school held the lottery in the cafeteria, which can accommodate about 600 people.

"The room was packed, many people had to stand outside to watch," said Ms. Hoan.

According to Ms. Hoan, the school chose this form of admission because the number of applicants exceeded the quota. The students had all completed the preschool program and were qualified to enter primary school, so using an exam could "hurt the children."

"If the test fails, it's a shame for the children. That's why the city has approved the above plan for many years," said Ms. Hoan. "Those who fail the test will go to a school near their place of residence."

Present at the drawing, Mr. Nguyen Van Do said he was "nervous from start to finish" because the competition ratio was higher than that of university - 1/10.2. Mr. Do said the drawing was done in 4 steps, all under the direct supervision of parents and teachers. For the drawing stage alone, 7 parents were invited each time.

When a child passed, everyone clapped their hands to congratulate him. Although his child did not pass, Mr. Do felt comfortable because the school organized the exam openly and fairly.

"It's a bit of a pity, but I understand it depends on luck. The family also has backup plans," he said.

According to Mr. Do, Gia Sang 915 Primary and Secondary School is a famous school in Thai Nguyen, its facilities and education quality are highly appreciated by parents. Meanwhile, because it is a public school, primary school students are exempted from tuition fees.

"This is also the only inter-level school with boarding facilities, suitable for busy parents," he added.

Học sinh ngồi kín nhà ăn với sức chứa hơn 600 người của trường sáng 3/6. Ảnh: Fanpage nhà trường
Parents packed in the lottery room, morning of June 3

Gia Sang 915 Primary and Secondary School is a public school, established in 2014. The school currently has 665 students, from grades 1 to 9.

According to the Education Law, primary education is universal. School-age students are admitted to public schools, depending on their place of residence. Only a few public schools nationwide conduct entrance exams for first graders, mainly high-quality schools in Hanoi.

TH (according to VnExpress)
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Public school livestreams drawing of lots for first graders