Education and training

Students self-assess their abilities with a search tool.

TH (according to VNA) March 11, 2025 20:30

In 2025, the SchoolRank ranking search tool will continue to accompany thousands of 12th graders in the preparation phase for high school graduation exams and choosing majors and universities.

SchoolRank 2025 ranking tool interface

After entering personal information and total scores of subjects in grade 11 and semester 1 grade 12 report cards into SchoolRank, the system will display the results to the user.

Specifically, SchoolRank will classify students into groups of Top 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 or outside the Top 50 based on their academic results. Students who reach the Top 10 - 50 (corresponding to 10 - 50% of students with the best high school academic results nationwide) will receive a ranking certificate via email. Instead of having to calculate manually and only being able to see rankings by school, with the SchoolRank ranking tool, students can self-assess their abilities with a few clicks. More importantly, they also have an overall view of themselves compared to their friends.

In addition to supporting objective assessment of ability, SchoolRank also helps 2007 students have an additional method of admission to FPT University. High school graduates with results in the Top 50 SchoolRank and a total score of 21 points or higher in Math and any two subjects in the second semester of grade 12 will be eligible for admission to FPT University. This helps students reduce exam pressure and have more choices of majors and schools.

High school graduates in 2025 with academic results in the Top 10 SchoolRank will have the opportunity to receive a School Scholarship, exempting tuition fees for the entire course of FPT University. It is expected that about 900 School Scholarships will be awarded to students from schools in Region 1 (localities with particularly difficult economic conditions). When reaching the Top 10 SchoolRank and wishing to study at FPT University, students can register their wishes with the high school where they study for the Board of Directors to choose.

In addition to scholarships, FPT University implements a “Study first - Pay later” policy to support students financially. One of the conditions for participating in the program is that students need to reach the Top 40 SchoolRank in 2025. The program allows students to pay tuition in installments within 5 years after graduation with support levels of 30%, 50% or 70% of the entire course tuition.

TH (according to VNA)
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Students self-assess their abilities with a search tool.