The People's Committee of Hai Duong province has issued a plan to organize patriotic emulation congresses at all levels and sectors, towards the 6th Hai Duong Provincial Patriotic Emulation Congress and the 11th National Patriotic Emulation Congress in 2025.
According to the plan, the emulation congress at the provincial departments, branches, sectors, unions; districts, towns, cities; communes, wards, towns and enterprises will be organized and completed in advance, in the first or second quarter of 2025, with a duration of 1 session.
The Provincial People's Committee and the Provincial Emulation and Reward Council will direct the Patriotic Emulation Congress at the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Hai Duong City and Nam Sach District to gain experience and direct the general direction (in the second quarter of 2025). The 6th Patriotic Emulation Congress of Hai Duong province will be held in the third quarter of 2025.
To effectively implement the contents of the congress, the Provincial People's Committee requested all levels and sectors to launch special and practical emulation campaigns, associated with studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle. Focus on discovering advanced models and truly outstanding new factors in emulation movements, respected by the masses and collectives to promptly commend and honor or propose competent authorities to award appropriate forms of commendation. Promote the propaganda of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on patriotic emulation, the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws on emulation and commendation, etc.