From a specific analysis of test score data for each subject, Professor Nguyen Dinh Duc stated that the standard score for university admission based on high school graduation exam scores this year will increase by 1-3 points.
This year’s entry scores will be higher than last year’s for all combinations, and may differ by 1-3 points. “Hot” majors will have high entry scores. If the quota is the same as last year’s, the competition will be greater.
This is the opinion of Professor, Doctor of Science Nguyen Dinh Duc, Chairman of the Council of the University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, based on specific analysis of exam score data of each subject.
- Professor, the Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the high school graduation exam scores. Based on the exam score data, what is your assessment of this year's exam scores?
Professor Nguyen Dinh Duc:Through the score distribution, it can be seen that this year's high school graduation exam scores were higher than last year's in all subjects.
The average score of all subjects is basically stable as last year, without any major fluctuations. The average score for Literature this year is 8, while last year it was 7. However, the percentage of candidates achieving excellent scores, which is 8 points or more, and the percentage of candidates achieving excellent scores from 7 points due to the specificity of Literature, in most subjects has increased.
Specifically, in math, the number of exams with a score of 8 or higher was 198,390 out of a total of 1,045,643 exams, reaching 18.97%, nearly 4% higher than the rate of 15.1% in 2023. In 2022, this rate was 21.8%.
In literature, the number of exams with a score of 7 or higher was 687,326 out of a total of 1,050,132, reaching a rate of 64.57%, a record high ever, an increase of nearly 18.67% compared to the rate of 45.9% in 2023. In 2022, this rate was 42.28% and in 2021 it was 41.7%.
In physics, the number of exams with a score of 8 or higher is 99,148 out of a total of 345,630 exams, accounting for 28.68%. In 2023, it is 21.31% and in 2022, it is 22.74%.
In chemistry, the number of papers with 8 points or more is 93,333 out of a total of 346,530 papers, reaching 26.93%. This rate is 22.6% in 2023, and 27.8% in 2022. Notably, this year, chemistry has a good season of 10 points, with 1,278 10 points, while last year there were 137 papers with 10 points.
The rate of excellent scores in history is also higher than last year, with 138,533 out of 706,299 papers achieving a score of 8 or higher, reaching a rate of 19.6%, while last year, this rate was 13%, and in 2022 it was 18.1%.
Geography, this year there was a sudden change in the rate of excellent scores. The number of papers with a score of 8 or higher was 218,515 out of a total of 704,701 papers, reaching a rate of 31%, while last year, this rate was only 6.6%, in 2022 it was 16.7%. Notably, there were 3,175 papers in geography scoring 10 points, while in 2023 there were only 35 papers scoring 10 points.
Civics has always had a high rate of excellent scores over the years. This year, the number of papers with a score of 8 or higher is 384,222 out of a total of 583,619 papers, reaching a rate of 65.83%. Last year, this rate was 61%, in 2022 it will be 61.85%.
English and Biology are the two subjects with a slightly lower percentage of excellent scores compared to last year. The number of papers with a score of 8 or higher in English is 131,283 out of a total of 906,549 papers, reaching a rate of 14.48% (in 2023 it was 15.03%; in 2022 it was 1.9%; the percentage of excellent English papers was highest in 2021, reaching 18.3%).
In Biology, the percentage of exams scoring 8 points or higher is 34,438 out of a total of 324,388 exams, reaching a rate of 10.06%. This rate is 10.57% in 2023 and 4.6% in 2022.
- What candidates are most concerned about now is probably the admission score for universities. Based on the above analysis of exam scores and admission experience, what is the Professor's assessment of this year's university admission score based on this year's high school graduation exam scores?
Professor Nguyen Dinh Duc:Although more and more schools are using competency assessment tests and separate exams for admission, currently all universities still use high school graduation exam results as an important method of admission.
With the above score range, it can be seen that this year, in most combinations, the score with the most candidates achieving is 22-23 points.
The percentage of good scores in this year's exam is higher than last year's in all subjects, so if there is no big change in the percentage of quotas for considering high school graduation exam results, this year's entrance scores will be higher than last year's in all combinations, possibly differing by 1-3 points. For "hot" majors with high entrance scores, if the quota is the same as last year, the competition will be greater.
- One of the goals of the exam is to base on the exam results to have a broad-based assessment and from there have appropriate policy adjustments. According to the Professor, what do the exam results this year show?
Professor Nguyen Dinh Duc:This year's exam results reflect the outstanding efforts of students, teachers, schools and departments in the past school year.
However, it can be seen that English is still a weak point for the majority of Vietnamese students. The number of papers with less than 5 is 386,861 out of a total of 906,549 papers, accounting for 42.67%, which is a very high below average rate. Last year, this rate was 44.85%. This result shows that we need to improve and innovate further the way of teaching and learning English at high school level.
While literature, history, and geography have high excellent scores, and the below-average rate of social science subjects such as literature and geography is very low, only a few percent, history is 13%, the below-average rate this year of math is still 17.5%, chemistry 15.87%, physics 16.34%, showing the need to promote STEM education, improve math and natural science skills in schools. In the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution, these are the core foundational knowledge that high school students need to be well equipped with.
In addition, the exam questions can be further differentiated to not only consider high school graduation but also "kill two birds with one stone", helping universities better classify candidates through this exam score for university admission, especially top universities.
- Thank you very much, Professor!
VN (according to VNA)