Today, the National Assembly will discuss a number of important contents related to the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period, the Trade Union Law (amended), the Security Law...
Continuing the working program of the first phase of the 7th Session, 15th National Assembly, today June 3, the National Assembly entered the 12th working day with many important contents.
In the morning working session, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, authorized by the Prime Minister, presented the Proposal on investment policy for the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035..Then, the Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education presented the Report on the appraisal of the investment policy of the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035.
The National Assembly then continued with the discussion in the hall on the draft Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Support Tools (amended); the Government representative explained and clarified a number of issues raised by National Assembly deputies.
The afternoon session began with the presentation of the Proposal on the draft Law on Trade Unions (amended) by the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; the Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee presented the Report on the examination of the draft Law on Trade Unions (amended).
The working program continued with the discussion in the hall about the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Security Guards; the Government representative explained and clarified a number of issues raised by National Assembly deputies.
Previously, the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025 - 2035 period was identified as a particularly important political task.
The program aims to focus on a number of contents on developing Vietnamese people with good personalities and lifestyles, building a healthy and civilized cultural environment, developing a synchronous infrastructure system, landscape, and cultural institutions; preserving and promoting the values of national cultural heritage; developing cultural industries; promoting digital transformation and applying scientific and technological achievements in the cultural field.
With the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools 2017, after 5 years of implementation, in addition to the achieved results, the process of implementing the Law has encountered some shortcomings, limitations and difficulties: Regarding the concepts of weapons, explosives and supporting tools stipulated in the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools 2017, limitations have been revealed, failing to meet the requirements of state management and the fight against crime. Therefore, it is necessary to amend and supplement the above contents to ensure compliance with reality, creating favorable conditions for agencies, organizations and people.
The Government has assigned the Ministry of Public Security to preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to research and develop the Draft Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools (amended) in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.
The Draft Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools (amended) consists of 8 chapters and 74 articles, including: Chapter I provides general provisions (17 articles); Chapter II provides for the management and use of weapons (15 articles); Chapter III provides for the management and use of explosives (11 articles); Chapter IV provides for the management and use of explosive precursors (6 articles); Chapter V provides for the management and use of supporting tools (11 articles); Chapter VI provides for the reception, collection, classification, preservation, liquidation and destruction of weapons, explosives and supporting tools (9 articles); Chapter VII provides for the state management of weapons, explosives, explosive precursors and supporting tools (3 articles); Chapter VIII provides for the implementation provisions (2 articles).
TH (according to Vietnam+)