Science - Technology

Each hectare of Thai sweet hybrid corn No. 2 can yield a profit of 90 million VND.

PV October 18, 2024 14:00

The Thai sweet corn hybrid variety No. 2 was first grown in Hai Duong and is evaluated to have many advantages, and can generate a profit of 90 million VND per hectare.

nghiem - thu
The acceptance council highly appreciated the quality and efficiency of Thai sweet corn hybrid variety No. 2.

After 2 planting seasons, it has been shown that Thai sweet corn hybrid No. 2 has high yield and quality, is adaptable to external conditions, and is resistant to many pests and diseases. The yield is from 14-15 tons/ha, after deducting costs, the profit is over 90 million VND/ha, nearly 18 million VND/ha higher than the control variety, Golden Cob corn.

nguoi - dan 1
Representative of households in Toan Thang commune (Gia Loc) evaluates the quality of Thai sweet corn hybrid variety No. 2

Thai sweet corn hybrid No. 2 has a germination rate of about 98%, 3% higher than the control variety Golden Cob. The survival rate is 90-95%. The time from sowing to silk emergence is 48-50 days (winter crop 2023); 60-62 days (spring crop 2024), 3-5 days shorter than the control.

In 2023-2024, the Center for Science and Technology Application and Variety Testing (Department of Science and Technology of Hai Duong) will implement the project "Building a commercial production model of Thai sweet corn hybrid No. 2 in Hai Duong province", testing this variety on an area of ​​20 hectares in Gia Loc, Cam Giang districts, and Chi Linh city.

duong - lai - ngọt
Field workshop on Thai sweet hybrid corn variety No. 2 in Toan Thang commune (Gia Loc)

At the acceptance meeting on the morning of October 18 organized by the Department of Science and Technology, this corn variety was highly appreciated and suitable for Hai Duong.

Sweet Thai hybrid corn No. 2 originated from China, recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for trial production since 2019.

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Each hectare of Thai sweet hybrid corn No. 2 can yield a profit of 90 million VND.