
Bragging meets braggart

TRINH VIET HIEP (st) August 7, 2024 9:07

Some men with garden houses in the suburbs sat on the train to the city:

- There is an apple in my garden so big that when I put it on a stool, the stool broke!
- What's that? The apple in my garden was so big that when I put it on the table, the table broke!
- The apple in my garden is so big that it has to be put on a horse-drawn carriage…
- What? The carriage broke too?
- No, but an apple worm crawled out and bit the horse...


A woman came to the doctor complaining:
- I am obese, doctor, please tell me what foods I should eat?
- Eat anything, just don't swallow!

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Bragging meets braggart