On the weekend, resting at home but still being tortured by his wife's karaoke voice, Ty said absentmindedly:
- Many times when I listen to you sing, I just secretly wish that one day you could sing on TV.
Ty's wife heard that, her face turned red, she shyly said:
- You're exaggerating. I don't think I sing that well.
Ty shook his head and sighed, saying:
- I mean at least then I can change the channel or turn off the power and not be tortured anymore.
Worse than unsold
Someone called to ask about you, a clothing salesman:
- How is business these days?
- Oh my gosh, I sold a pair of pants the day before yesterday, but I didn't sell anything. Today is even worse than yesterday.
- Yesterday I didn't sell anything, how can today be worse?
- Today someone brought back the pants they bought the day before yesterday.
- !!!
BA (st)