
Cleaning up "garbage" on cyberspace

NGUYEN THANH March 13, 2024 14:47

Reactionary forces are trying to distort and falsify the truth on cyberspace, causing a segment of young people to stray from the Party and socialist ideals. This reality requires us to regularly clean up this "trash".


In recent years, the development of science and technology, especially information technology, has changed many aspects of social life, including great impacts on the awareness and actions of the young generation, including the youth of Hai Duong.

Participation in social networking sites by young people for entertainment, sharing and exchanging information, communicating and connecting has become popular. Using the internet has many great benefits in modern life. However, if subjective and simple, the young generation will easily get "lost" on social networks. More dangerously, the internet is indirectly spreading bad, toxic information, even leaking state secrets, national security secrets, causing harm to the community.

Taking advantage of this issue, hostile forces are trying to entice and entice a part of the youth to follow their plans, using sophisticated tricks and modern means, especially the internet with diverse online services such as: websites, emails, Facebook, Zalo, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace... Reactionary forces are trying to distort and falsify the truth, propagandize and entice a part of Vietnamese youth to leave the Party, going against the goal of national independence and socialism that the Party, Uncle Ho and our people have chosen. They are trying to spread the ideology of the bourgeoisie, culture, and pragmatic, selfish lifestyle to the youth, leading to a distorted perception of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought.

Therefore, the Youth Union at all levels needs to do a good job of propaganda and education to raise awareness among cadres and youth union members about the plots and tricks of hostile forces. Proactively grasp, manage, forecast, and provide information and ideological orientation for cadres and youth union members against bad and toxic information.

Party committees, authorities, departments, branches and organizations must always identify the task of fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints on the Internet as a regular and important task to protect the Party's ideological foundation. Proactively prevent, repel and reject false and harmful information caused by hostile forces. Implement well the "4 no's": Do not listen, do not watch, do not read, do not believe false, fabricated and distorted information. Timely direct and guide young people to be unified in their perception and action to prevent bad and toxic information from spreading, creating bad public opinion in agencies and units. Direct specialized forces to step up the fight, write articles, share, comment, and spread positive information on cyberspace; strengthen the fight against anti-Party and anti-State arguments of hostile forces; widely propagate simple, noble examples, brave actions of cadres and youth union members in performing their duties, good people, good deeds...

Strengthening the management of the Internet and social networking sites, minimizing negative impacts on young people. Currently, the demand for information exploitation on the Internet of young people is increasing, the content and purpose are also very rich, diverse and multi-dimensional. Moreover, the means of receiving information are also increasingly developing in a modern, sophisticated and difficult to control direction. Therefore, Party committees and authorities at all levels regularly organize dissemination and education for cadres and youth union members on the regulations of the Party and State on management, exploitation and use of the Internet and security of electronic information networks. Raise the spirit of vigilance, preserve state secrets, military secrets when exploiting, using the Internet and participating in social networking sites.

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Cleaning up "garbage" on cyberspace