
Proposal to ban police officers in uniform from eating on the sidewalk and wearing rhinestones on their nails

TH (according to VTC News) August 27, 2024 15:45

According to the proposal of the Ministry of Public Security, officers and soldiers are not allowed to wear People's Public Security uniforms to eat or drink at sidewalk restaurants; dye their hair other than black, or attach stones to their nails.

Bộ Công an đang lấy ý kiến đóng góp dự thảo đề xuất một số hành vi cấm đối với cán bộ, chiến sĩ công an. (Ảnh minh hoạ)
The Ministry of Public Security is seeking comments on a draft proposal of a number of prohibited acts for police officers and soldiers (illustrative photo)

The Ministry of Public Security is seeking comments on the draft circular amending and supplementing a number of provisions on internal regulations, regulations on personnel, and ceremonies of the People's Public Security.

In the draft, the Ministry of Public Security proposed a number of prohibited acts for police officers and soldiers.

In particular, the drafting agency proposed that police officers and soldiers not wear People's Police uniforms to eat and drink at sidewalk restaurants (except in cases where work requires socialization); smoke while on duty, in offices, meeting rooms, halls and in places where there are prohibitions.

In addition, officers and soldiers are not allowed to set up altars, place incense bowls, or burn incense in halls, meeting rooms, living rooms, offices, dormitories, warehouses, communal dining rooms, or places to store documents within the scope of the police unit headquarters (except when organizing funerals, setting up altars for President Ho Chi Minh, or burning incense during the three days of the Lunar New Year, but must ensure fire prevention and fighting).

Officers and soldiers are not allowed to wear black glasses when directly dealing with others, or to put their hands in their trouser or shirt pockets when on duty, except in cases where wearing black glasses is necessary to ensure the health of officers and soldiers and must be approved by the Head of the Police of the unit or locality.

Regarding physical appearance, the Ministry of Public Security recommends that male officers and soldiers are not allowed to have long hair covering the ears or nape of the neck or to cut their hair too short (except in cases of baldness, illness as prescribed by a doctor or due to professional requirements requiring short hair); mustaches or mustaches on the chin, neck and face are not allowed. At the same time, police officers and soldiers are not allowed to dye their hair other than black; fingernails and toenails are not allowed to be long, painted, studded with stones or covered with glitter; and holes or piercings are not allowed (except for female officers who are allowed to have holes or piercings on the earlobes).

According to the Drafting Committee, after 4 years of implementing regulations on internal regulations, team regulations and rituals, police leaders at all levels have regularly inspected and urged officers and soldiers to strictly comply, put the regulations into order, and maintain discipline and order.

However, some contents have not been regulated or have been regulated but not specifically, so there are still problems in implementation.

Therefore, the development of the circular aims to overcome difficulties and shortcomings, thereby strengthening discipline, order and work efficiency, meeting the requirements of building a truly clean, disciplined, elite and modern police force to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

TH (according to VTC News)
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Proposal to ban police officers in uniform from eating on the sidewalk and wearing rhinestones on their nails