The Politburo requires continuing to innovate salary, recruitment, employment, treatment, and attraction policies, ensuring necessary conditions for teachers to perform their tasks well.
On January 5, Standing member of the Secretariat and Head of the Central Organization Committee Truong Thi Mai signed and issued the Politburo's Directive on universal education, compulsory education, adult literacy, and promoting student streaming in general education.
According to the Directive, the whole country has completed universal preschool education for 5-year-old children; maintained and improved the quality of universal primary and secondary education, and some places have conditions to universalize secondary education.
Literacy work for adults has had positive changes, encouraging newly literate people to continue studying to avoid falling back into illiteracy.
Vocational education and student orientation after junior high school are given more attention, creating conditions for high school graduates to choose suitable paths, access careers and lifelong learning.
However, the rate of children accessing preschool education is still low, some localities have not paid attention to developing preschool schools and classes; the quality of universal education is not really stable, the gap between regions is still large. Awareness of vocational education is not adequate, the goal of student streaming after junior high school has not met the requirements...
The Politburo requires strong changes, improving the effectiveness of implementation, ensuring that all citizens of learning age fulfill their learning obligations, complete universal education, and compulsory education. Create conditions for people of working age to be able to create jobs or change careers, adapting to social changes.
At the same time, develop an open education system to create lifelong learning opportunities and build a learning society, contributing to human resource training, balancing the occupational structure, developing education associated with the socio-economy, and strengthening national defense and security.
The Politburo noted that it focuses on priority policies for investment in developing preschool education, general education, continuing education, and vocational education; and has policies to remove obstacles in developing the network of private schools and classes.
Maintain and improve the quality of universal education, compulsory education, and illiteracy eradication for adults in difficult areas, with unstable results.
The Politburo emphasized the need to fundamentally and comprehensively innovate the content, programs, and methods of training and fostering preschool, general education, and vocational education teachers in the direction of standardization, modernization, democratization, and gradually approaching the standards of advanced countries.
Focus on training, improving the quality, ideology, ethics, and pedagogical capacity of the teaching staff. Improve the quality of training facilities, foster teachers and educational managers in conjunction with human resource planning in the education sector. Focus on investing in developing a number of key pedagogical universities, forming a number of satellite pedagogical schools as the core in training high-quality teachers and educational managers.
Effectively implement the linkage between teacher training schools and localities in developing plans for recruitment, training and fostering teachers at all levels, ensuring sufficient quantity, balanced structure, suitable to practical needs, and promptly overcome the surplus and shortage of teachers.
The Politburo's Directive also stated that it is necessary to continue to innovate salary policies, recruitment, employment, treatment, attraction, and ensure necessary conditions for teachers to perform their tasks well. There are incentive and preferential policies for teachers working in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions and specialized educational institutions.
Increase resources and ensure budget to complete the goals of universal education, compulsory education, illiteracy eradication, student streaming in general education, and prioritize universal preschool education for preschool children from 3 to 5 years old.
TH (according to Vietnamnet)