
Temporarily detain the principal and accountant of Thanh Hoa Industrial College

According to Tuoi Tre September 27, 2023 14:33

The principal and two accountants of Thanh Hoa Industrial College were prosecuted and temporarily detained to investigate causing damage to the State of more than 4.7 billion VND.

Cơ quan cảnh sát điều tra thi hành lệnh bắt tạm giam bị can Nguyễn Văn Hùng (mặc áo sọc) - hiệu trưởng Trường cao đẳng Công nghiệp Thanh Hóa - Ảnh: Công an cung cấp

The police investigation agency executed the arrest warrant for suspect Nguyen Van Hung (in striped shirt) - principal of Thanh Hoa Industrial College.

On the morning of September 27, the Investigation Police Agency of Thanh Hoa Province Police issued a decision to prosecute the case, prosecute the accused, and temporarily detain three officials of Thanh Hoa Industrial College for the crime of "abusing position and power while performing official duties".

The three suspects who have just been temporarily detained include: Mr. Nguyen Van Hung, 49 years old, principal of Thanh Hoa Industrial College; Nguyen Giang Quan, 54 years old, chief accountant and Le Dinh Dang, 34 years old, accountant of this school.

The police investigation agency has executed search warrants at the defendants' residences and workplaces to serve the investigation of the case.

Cơ quan chức năng thi hành lệnh khám xét nơi làm việc của bị can Nguyễn Giang Quân (bìa phải ảnh) - Ảnh Công an tỉnh Thanh Hóa cung cấp

Authorities executed a search warrant at the workplace of defendant Nguyen Giang Quan (right cover photo)

According to the initial investigation of Thanh Hoa Provincial Police, from 2017 to 2019, as principal of Thanh Hoa Industrial College, Nguyen Van Hung took advantage of his position and authority to direct Nguyen Giang Quan and Le Dinh Dang to create a fake list of students who had dropped out of school, with a decision to remove their names, to propose settlement of compensation money, tuition exemption, and money spent according to the norm for students, causing a loss to the state budget of more than 4.7 billion VND.

The above amount of money was used by the defendants to spend on regular training activities of the school.

Thanh Hoa Provincial Police are continuing to investigate the case.

According to Tuoi Tre
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Temporarily detain the principal and accountant of Thanh Hoa Industrial College