
Arrested 7 subjects hacking social network accounts, defrauding and appropriating nearly 8 billion VND

TH (according to Vietnamnet) January 28, 2024 19:30

The group of 7 subjects learned how to, then hacked into the social network accounts of dozens of people to send messages asking to borrow money, appropriating nearly 8 billion VND.

On January 28, the Cyber ​​Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention Department of Quang Binh Provincial Police said that the unit had presided over and coordinated with professional departments and Dong Hoi City Police and Quang Ninh District Police to successfully fight a special case, arresting a group of 7 people who specialized in hacking social network accounts to defraud and appropriate property.

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A group of 7 people have just been arrested for hacking social network accounts to defraud and appropriate property.

The 7 arrested subjects include: Vo Van Hung, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu, Nguyen Xuan Kien, Nguyen Van Toai, Nguyen Tung Lam (all born in 2006), Nguyen Van Sang (born in 2004), Vo Van Anh (born in 2003), all residing in Quang Ninh district.

During the investigation, the police determined that from around the beginning of 2023, this group of subjects went online to learn how to and hijack the Facebook accounts of many people nationwide.

Then change the password, hack in, use the stolen Facebook account to send messages asking to borrow and appropriate money.

To prepare for the crime, the subjects created about 20 different bank accounts and purchased many more sets of "junk" bank accounts from subjects online to conceal their behavior of receiving fraudulent money from victims.

It is estimated that the total transactions in the bank accounts used by the subjects are about 8 billion VND.

These subjects did not receive formal training in information technology. Some subjects even dropped out of school early but learned, shared, and taught each other how to commit crimes, initially forming "nests" and "groups" of high-tech criminals, causing insecurity and disorder.

The case is under further investigation.

TH (according to Vietnamnet)
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Arrested 7 subjects hacking social network accounts, defrauding and appropriating nearly 8 billion VND