5 bad habits that hinder children's maximum height

April 19, 2023 15:55

Besides genetics, nutrition, exercise, sleep... determine nearly 80% of a child's height when they grow up. However, many mothers make mistakes in taking care of their children.

5 thói quen xấu kìm hãm chiều cao tối đa của trẻ, cha mẹ tuyệt đối không nên làm - Ảnh 2.

Human height is affected by many factors. According to many studies by scientists, the physical growth and stature of children are directly affected by nutrition. Children's height is only affected by about 23% of genetic factors (genes of grandparents and parents), in addition, nutrition contributes up to 32%; exercise and sports determine 20%. The rest are factors of the living environment, chronic and congenital diseases, rest regime...

6 things to do to help children maximize their height

Ensure good nutrition

Right from pregnancy, mothers need to have a reasonable diet to avoid malnutrition, overweight or micronutrient deficiencies...

Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months and continue to 24 months of age or longer. They should eat a balanced, varied diet appropriate for each age group to provide enough energy, balance energy-producing substances (protein, fat, carbohydrates) and vitamins and minerals necessary for comprehensive development.

Help children get enough sleep

Sleep promotes growth and development in children and adolescents. During deep sleep, the body releases hormones necessary for growth. Therefore, getting enough sleep can allow for optimal growth.

Help children exercise regularly

Exercise is important for children's development. Regular exercise is also important for normal physical development. For example, playing outdoors or participating in sports can help bones become stronger, denser, and more resilient.

Track growth chart

Follow the growth chart to know your baby's development so that timely interventions can be made to help your baby reach his or her maximum height.

Vaccination, vitamin A supplementation and regular deworming

Vaccination, vitamin A supplementation and regular deworming are important solutions to enhance resistance and prevent parasitic diseases... thereby helping children to be less sick and develop comprehensively.

Should go for regular nutritional consultation

Children should be examined for nutritional consultation so that doctors can detect micronutrient deficiencies (lack of vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, etc.), point out incorrect nutritional habits (only drinking water, too little fat, not diversifying foods, etc.) and provide early and appropriate intervention measures for each child, contributing to promoting the maximum height development of children.

5 bad habits that hinder children's maximum height development

Stay away from sugary foods

Foods that contain a lot of sugar such as candy, cakes, ice cream, especially carbonated soft drinks... have a very bad effect on the organs in the body and also weaken the baby's skeletal system. The reason is that sweet foods reduce the body's ability to absorb calcium, causing the baby to have poor height development. Therefore, mothers should not let their children eat these foods regularly, it is best to stay away from them.

Don't sleep after 10pm

Sleep plays an extremely important role in the height development of children. 90% of bone growth in children occurs during sleep, especially from 10-12 pm every day. However, some families often let their children go to bed late after 10 pm. Staying up late will cause less growth hormone to be secreted, leading to slow height development in children. Therefore, it is necessary to train children to go to bed early at the same time every day.

Do not wake the baby to drink milk at night

Many families are afraid that their children will be hungry or believe that drinking milk at night will help them grow taller, so they often wake their children up to drink milk while they are sleeping.

However, these are things that mothers should avoid because the hormones related to height increase are only secreted and active when the baby is in deep sleep. Therefore, if you feed your baby before going to bed or wake him up to drink milk, it will affect his sleep and affect his chances of increasing his height.

Do not supplement calcium for children

Excess calcium from food sources will be excreted through urine. Excess calcium from drugs will be difficult to excrete, causing kidney stones, hypercalcemia, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, bone pain, etc. The reason is that high levels of calcium in the blood can enter the bones more, harden the bones early, inhibit bone growth, children may be stunted or stop growing in height due to early bone ossification.

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5 bad habits that hinder children's maximum height