
The 14th Party Congress Document Subcommittee held its first session.

TH (according to Vietnam+) February 23, 2024 12:00

The General Secretary emphasized that in the process of building documents for the 14th Party Congress, it is necessary to smoothly combine theoretical research with summarizing practical development in all fields.

(Nguồn: VOV)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong; President Vo Van Thuong; Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue; Permanent member of the Secretariat, Head of the Central Organization Commission Truong Thi Mai...

On February 23, at the Party Central Committee Headquarters, the 14th Party Congress Document Subcommittee held its first meeting. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Head of the Subcommittee, chaired the meeting.

Politburo members: President Vo Van Thuong; Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, members of the Document Subcommittee and the Standing Committee of the Document Editorial Team also attended.

According to the plan, the 14th National Congress of the Party is expected to be held in January 2026. In preparation for the 14th National Congress of the Party, the 8th Conference of the 13th Central Executive Committee decided to establish 5 Subcommittees, including the Documents Subcommittee headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Document Subcommittee is responsible for preparing the Political Report and the Summary Report on 40 Years of Innovation to be presented to the 14th National Party Congress. To assist the Document Subcommittee, the Secretariat has decided to establish a Document Editorial Team.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Head of the Document Editing Team, reported on the results of the activities of the Standing Committee of the Document Subcommittee and the Document Editing Team since its establishment; summarized the opinions of the members of the Document Subcommittee on the draft Submission, draft Working Regulations and Operation Plan of the Document Subcommittee of the 14th National Party Congress.

Speaking at the meeting, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated that the National Party Congress is an extremely important political event.

The 14th National Party Congress will take place at a very meaningful time: Our entire Party, people and army are joining hands, seizing every opportunity and advantage, overcoming every difficulty and challenge, and successfully implementing many policies, goals and tasks identified in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

After 40 years of carrying out the renovation process, 35 years of implementing the Platform for national construction in the transitional period to socialism (1991 Platform), and 5 years of implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, our country has achieved many important and outstanding results, with many bright spots, creating the premise for our country to enter a new development stage with new opportunities, advantages and greater challenges intertwined.

The 14th National Party Congress has the task of reviewing in depth the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, summarizing 40 years of carrying out the country's renewal in the direction of socialism, thereby drawing important lessons; determining the directions, goals and tasks of the entire Party, people and army in the next 5 years (2026-2030), continuing to successfully implement the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy (2021-2030).

The 14th Congress will review the leadership of the 13th Central Executive Committee; review the implementation of the 13th Party Charter and amend the Party Charter; elect the 14th Party Central Executive Committee, meeting the requirements of building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland in the new situation.

The 14th Congress will be another important milestone on the development path of our country and our people, with the meaning of orienting the future; encouraging, cheering, and motivating our entire Party, people, and army to continue to firmly follow the path to socialism, affirming that this is the right, creative choice, in line with Vietnam's reality and the development trend of the times; continuing to comprehensively and synchronously promote the renovation process, firmly defending the Fatherland, striving by 2030, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party: Our country is a developing country, with modern industry, high average income; by 2045, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Becoming a developed country, high income; building a "rich, prosperous, civilized, happy" Vietnam, firmly moving towards socialism.

“The preparation of documents for the 14th Congress, especially the Political Report, which is the central report and plays a guiding role for other documents of the Congress, must be carried out in a scientific and serious manner, with innovation in the way of doing things, ensuring real quality, fully reflecting the new reality of the country. This is a very important task, ensuring the success of the Congress,” General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized.

To ensure the quality of work, the General Secretary requested that the members of the Subcommittee, the Standing Committee of the Subcommittee, especially the members of the Editorial Board and the Standing Committee of the Editorial Board, thoroughly grasp and reach a high consensus on a number of issues regarding the motto, ideological methods, guiding viewpoints and methods of action to achieve the highest efficiency.

To firmly adhere to the principled guiding viewpoints: To firmly adhere to and creatively apply and develop Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought; to firmly adhere to the goals of national independence and socialism; to firmly adhere to the Party's renewal policy; to firmly adhere to the principles of Party building to firmly build and defend the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.

The General Secretary pointed out that steadfastness must go hand in hand with innovation, but it must be a principled innovation, not arbitrary or hasty. We must firmly grasp and handle well the "four steadfastnesses," especially being steadfast in a creative way and being creative in a steadfast way, following Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary method, because the path to socialism in our country is long-term and unprecedented, with many difficulties and challenges.

The General Secretary emphasized that in the process of building documents for the 14th National Party Congress, it is necessary to smoothly combine theoretical research with summarizing practical development in the fields of politics, economics, culture, society, national defense, security, and foreign affairs; with building the Party and the political system, synchronously forming institutions for rapid and sustainable development of the country based on the pillars of the Vietnamese socialist-oriented market economy, the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law State, and Vietnamese socialist democracy.

“The political report of this National Party Congress must be a scientific work that crystallizes the theoretical level, intellectual height of the entire Party, the faith and aspirations of the entire nation, reflecting the objective laws of reality and the new trends of reality. Pay attention to summarizing reality and grasping scientific theory; skillfully combine theoretical research, summarizing reality with policy orientation to discover and explore policies, tasks and solutions that are emerging with vitality from reality, from new factors of reality, and ripe contradictions in reality. Pay attention to clarifying which policies and guidelines have been confirmed by reality to be correct and appropriate and which need to continue to be innovated, supplemented and developed,” the General Secretary pointed out.

Regarding the method of implementation, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized that the Congress Documents, including the Political Report of the 14th Congress, are the product of collective intelligence, a collective work of the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army. Therefore, it is necessary to promote democracy, promote collective intelligence, and accordingly, there must be participation and contributions from central agencies, departments, ministries, branches, localities, socio-political organizations and the people; and seek the participation and contributions of former leaders, intellectuals, researchers, and managers.

In particular, it is necessary to focus on exploiting the results of domestic and international scientific research, distilling the research results of special national political theory science research programs and topics for the period 2021-2025, national science and technology programs for the period up to 2030, with a vision to 2045...

The General Secretary noted that during the discussion, it is necessary to be open-minded, listen, respect each other's opinions, find the truth together, create high unity, especially on new and difficult issues. The Political Report must be the central report, must reach the level of viewpoints, guidelines, and major policies; the socio-economic development strategy report is a thematic report, ensuring no duplication; consistency in the Party's viewpoints and policies on national development in the 2026 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2045, contributing to continuing to supplement and develop our Party's theoretical awareness of socialism and the path to socialism in our country.

The General Secretary pointed out that in the coming time, the work of the Subcommittee and the Standing Committee of the Subcommittee will be very large and difficult, requiring great effort, concentration, and hard work to complete the work with high quality and on schedule.

TH (according to Vietnam+)
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The 14th Party Congress Document Subcommittee held its first session.