Communist Magazine launches electronic page Event Profile

August 8, 2023 15:18

The Electronic Event Profile page is supplemented with other special and attractive sections of an electronic version, which are Longform articles, Megastory, Emagazine, videos...

Delegates perform the opening ceremony of the Electronic Event Profile Page

On the morning of August 8, in Hanoi, the Editorial Board of the Communist Magazine held the Opening Ceremony of the Event Profile electronic page at

Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of Communist Magazine Pham Minh Tuan said that the first issue of the Event Profile magazine was published in November 2006. In December 2006, the magazine published its second issue.

After two trial issues, starting from January 2007, the Event Profile magazine was published regularly. Currently, it is published twice a month, forming a specialized information model - each issue discusses in depth a specific topic.

Each issue of the magazine is a handbook, covering prominent events and issues in the country and the world; not only meeting the need for quick, current information, but also in-depth, multi-dimensional, objective, and authentic information, helping readers understand the nature of events and phenomena...

To address the relationship between maintaining tradition and making efforts to innovate to meet the requirements of the new development stage, the Editorial Board of the Communist Magazine decided to publish the Electronic Event Profile page.

"The electronic Event Profile page will continue and go hand in hand with the printed Event Profile magazine in improving propaganda effectiveness, carrying out political tasks assigned by the Central Government, keeping up with modern journalism trends and best serving the needs of the public, especially the leadership team at all levels at the Central and local levels," Mr. Pham Minh Tuan emphasized.

Along with the sections that remain the same as the printed version of the Event Profile magazine, the electronic Event Profile page has been supplemented with other special and attractive sections of an electronic version, such as Longform articles, Megastory, Emagazine, videos, etc.

Electronic Event Profile page interface

At the ceremony, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department Lai Xuan Mon highly appreciated and acknowledged the spirit of innovation and creativity of the leaders and staff of the Magazine when putting the Electronic Event Profile page on the online application store Google Play, App Store, helping readers, especially young readers, to easily download and read on smart mobile electronic devices.

“I believe that the Electronic Event Profile page will help the information and political theory propaganda work of the Communist Magazine take a big step forward, creating the necessary and important foundation and impetus for the Magazine to move in the right direction and achieve its goals in the context of digital transformation of journalism,” said Mr. Lai Xuan Mon.

The Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department requested the Communist Magazine to urgently, actively and proactively introduce and disseminate the Electronic Event Profile page first in the political system, then widely spread it throughout the whole society; direct and operate the page effectively, becoming a bright spot in the current system of online press products.

In the coming time, the Communist Magazine needs to determine digital transformation in a strategic, systematic, and synchronous manner, creating a step forward in the method of operation and management of the agency; in which, it is necessary to be determined and proactive in building the Communist Magazine Electronic Information Portal; deploying a national digital political theory platform; enhancing the digitization of published articles and publications of the Magazine, forming a data archive to serve reading, searching for data, and looking up information.

According to Vietnam+

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Communist Magazine launches electronic page Event Profile