From an ordinary worker, Mr. Vu Thanh Long (born in 1976), working in the technical department of Hai Duong Garment II Joint Stock Company (Hai Duong City) had the initiative "Introducing jigs into garment production to reduce labor and working time", helping to save hundreds of millions of dong each year for the business.
With the nature of the job being to produce garments for export, research and technical innovation for production is not as common as in the mechanical and electronic industries. However, in 17 years working for Hai Duong Garment II Joint Stock Company, Mr. Long has constantly strived to learn experience and innovate in production to make his work less busy and the workers less tired.
Last May, Mr. Long was awarded a certificate of merit by the Hai Duong Provincial Labor Federation for his outstanding achievements in the movement of researching and applying science and technology to promote labor productivity. Mr. Long was awarded for his initiative: "Bringing jigs into garment production to reduce labor and working time". Jigs are a type of support tool in the sewing process, assembled together with sewing machine equipment. Normally, jigs are made from materials such as aluminum, alloy, stainless steel... but Mr. Long created and made jigs from soft, light plastic, making it easy for workers to use. The effect of this initiative is to shorten operating time, saving labor in some sewing stages.
This is not the first time Mr. Long has had a fixture initiative, but he considers it a regular job. Depending on each order, each fixture will have a certain effect on the customer's requirements, so for many years, Mr. Long's fixture initiative applied to production has brought high efficiency to the business. By May 2024, the company's union recognized the typicality of the initiative and proposed a reward to the higher-level union.
According to Mr. Long, in the neck sewing stage, if the jig is not used, the worker must draw with the pattern, then sew it. This requires 2 workers, a worker specializing in drawing and a sewing worker. Thus, the time to complete the stage will be longer, there will be many redundant operations, and the aesthetics will not be high because the product is not fixed when sewing. When sewing, applying the jig will reduce one worker for drawing. The tailor will both draw on the jig and fix the product on the jig. The finished product meets the technical requirements for size, ensuring uniformity and aesthetics. This method is applied in all 20 production lines, helping the enterprise save more than 200 million VND per year.
As a skilled technical worker, Mr. Long has been very creative in his work. Mr. Long said: “Innovations and technical improvements come from the work process. Usually, we will receive orders and design to suit the requirements of each customer, so we need to be constantly creative.” Whether at work or at home, he always searches for books or researches on the internet to gain more experience, help improve his work, and meet the needs of customers.
Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Tram, Chairwoman of the Hai Duong Garment II Joint Stock Company's Trade Union, said that Mr. Long has many years of experience in engineering, so when the Board of Directors assigned him work, he felt very secure. Mr. Long is a typical example of a worker of the union and the company in creative labor.