Typical families that promote learning in Kinh Mon

November 24, 2022 09:37

In recent times, the model of studious families and learning-encouraging clans in Kinh Mon has increasingly developed, contributing to arousing the local tradition of studiousness.

Hoang family (Hiep An ward) awards children with outstanding academic achievements

The Pham family is one of the typical families promoting education in Minh Hoa commune. This family currently has nearly 200 families. In order to have a fund to maintain activities serving filial piety, caring for the elderly, promoting education, renovating and upgrading the family temple, the Family Management Board issued a regulation that each person of working age contributes 20,000 VND/year to the fund. Up to now, the family has more than 400 million VND in funds, of which 170 million VND is for the Education Promotion Fund. Mr. Pham Van Rong, Chairman of the Pham Family Council in Minh Hoa commune, said: “Every year, on the anniversary of the ancestors at the family temple, all children in the family with good achievements are rewarded. The number of children rewarded each year is higher than the previous year. Many successful children continue to support the Education Promotion Fund, creating more resources to help the family maintain effective education promotion activities, further expanding the model of studious families in the family”.

The Hoang family in Hiep An ward is the largest family in the ward with more than 1,000 families. Since 2003, under the guidance of the Ward's Association for the Promotion of Education, the Hoang family council has agreed to establish the Education Promotion Board. At first, the family's Education Promotion Board visited homes to meet and reward children with outstanding academic achievements, the reward was only a fountain pen and a notebook. Over time, the family's Education Promotion Board innovated the way of awarding rewards such as organizing a ceremony to report achievements at the family's church, increasing the value of the gifts. Thanks to that, it has created a spirit of competition and enthusiasm for studying for children in the family.

In Thuong Quan commune, 18 out of 20 clans have established a Learning Promotion Committee and are gradually operating effectively. The total Learning Promotion Fund of the clans is over 650 million VND. Each clan has a suitable and effective way of organizing, which is positively responded to by the descendants in the clan. Mr. Bui Van Tam, Head of the Learning Promotion Committee of the Bui clan in Que Linh village, said: "The clan actively replicates the model of studious families associated with building cultural families. The generation of grandparents and parents must always practice and respect the etiquette of the family and clan, strictly comply with local regulations, build a civilized lifestyle in weddings, funerals, protect security and order, and the environment, becoming a shining example for the descendants to learn from."

Kinh Mon town currently has 650 clans, of which 570 clans have established the Learning Promotion Board, developed the Learning Promotion Fund and regularly organized activities to award children with outstanding academic achievements. The learning promotion clans have become an important foundation to promote the learning promotion movement more and more effectively. Mr. Pham Ba Dat, Chairman of the Learning Promotion Association of Kinh Mon town, said: "The Learning Promotion Board of clans is an extension of the Learning Promotion Association, not only praising and rewarding children with good academic achievements but also supporting disadvantaged children to continue going to school".


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Typical families that promote learning in Kinh Mon