Policies related to the organization of ministries and branches; new regulations on social insurance regime for permanent militia... are prominent policies that take effect from March.
Since March 1, many Government decrees stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and branches after the restructuring and streamlining of the apparatus have taken effect, such as the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Justice, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, the Government Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Vietnam News Agency, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the State Bank of Vietnam, the Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Decree No. 36/2025/ND-CP stipulates that the Government Office has 18 units, a decrease of 2 compared to before. Units under the organizational structure of the Government Office are administrative organizations whose functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure are prescribed by the Minister and Head of the Government Office.
Decree No. 25/2025/ND-CP stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Ministry of Home Affairs has 18 administrative units and 4 public service units.
Thus, after merging the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the number of units has been reduced by 13 units compared to the original (more than 37%), from 35 to 22 units.
Decree No. 28/2025/ND-CP stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs consists of 25 units, a decrease of 3 units compared to before. According to the provisions of Decree No. 39/2025/ND-CP, the Ministry of Justice consists of 20 units, a decrease of 5 units compared to before.
The functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training are stipulated in Decree No. 37/2025/ND-CP. After the restructuring, the Ministry of Education and Training was reduced from 23 to 18 units.
Decree No. 26/2025/ND-CP stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the State Bank of Vietnam in the direction that this agency has 20 affiliated units (of which 18 units are administrative organizations and 2 units are public service units).
Thus, compared to the old organizational structure, the apparatus of the State Bank of Vietnam has reduced 6 units, including 2 administrative units and 3 public service units.
According to Decree No. 40/2025/ND-CP of the Government, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has 22 focal points, 6 units less than before.
Decree No. 41/2025/ND-CP stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions. The Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions is a Government agency performing the state management function in the following sectors and fields: ethnic affairs; beliefs, religions and state management of public services in the sectors and fields under the Ministry's state management in accordance with the provisions of law. The Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions consists of 13 units, including 9 support units and 3 public service units.
Decree No. 27/2025/ND-CP stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency clearly states that Vietnam News Agency has an organizational structure of 22 units (6 units less than the regulations in Decree No. 87/2022/ND-CP).
The Decree clearly states that Vietnam News Agency is an agency under the Government, a national news agency, a key multimedia media agency, performing the function of publishing and broadcasting information and official documents of the Party and State; providing information to serve the leadership requirements of the Party and management of the State; disseminating information to serve mass media agencies, the public and other subjects at home and abroad.
Decree No. 38/2025/ND-CP stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in the direction that this institute has 24 units, including 5 professional support units, 13 public science and technology organizations, and 6 public service units.
Decree No. 32/2025/ND-CP stipulates that the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences has 26 units (12 fewer than before), including 4 specialized units; 19 public science and technology organizations; and 3 other public service units.
The Government issued Decree No. 16/2025/ND-CP dated February 4, 2025 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 72/2020/ND-CP dated June 30, 2020 detailing a number of articles of the Law on Militia and Self-Defense Forces on force organization and building and regimes and policies for militia and self-defense forces, effective from March 23.
Decree No. 16/2025/ND-CP amends Clause 1, Article 7 of Decree No. 72/2020/ND-CP regulating the allowance level for the position of militia and self-defense commander.
According to the new regulations, commanders and political commissars of commune-level military commands; commanders and political commissars of military commands of agencies and organizations are entitled to an allowance of VND 561,600 (the old regulation was VND 357,600).
Deputy commanders, deputy political commissars of commune-level military commands; deputy commanders, deputy political commissars of military commands of agencies and organizations; battalion commanders, battalion political commissars; naval commanders, naval political commissars; naval squadron commanders, political commissars of standing militia squadrons; company commanders, political commissars of mobile militia companies are entitled to an allowance of 514,800 VND (old regulation was 327,800 VND).
Decree No. 16/2025/ND-CP stipulates the basic meal allowance and additional meal allowance on holidays and Tet equal to the current basic meal allowance and additional meal allowance on holidays and Tet for non-commissioned officers and infantry soldiers on active duty in the Vietnam People's Army.
In addition, Decree No. 16/2025/ND-CP also amends and supplements the social insurance regime for standing militia and the health insurance regime for standing militia in accordance with the law on health insurance.
The Government issued Decree No. 10/2025/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees in the field of minerals; including Decree No. 23/2020/ND-CP regulating the management of river sand and gravel and the protection of river beds, banks and beaches. The Decree takes effect from March 1.
According to the new regulations, the license for sand and gravel mining on riverbeds must include the permitted time for sand and gravel mining activities on riverbeds during the day, from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; regulations on mining time during the year. (According to the old regulations in Decree No. 23/2020/ND-CP, the mining time frame is from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and mining at night is not allowed).
Based on geographical location, climate, weather and hydrological conditions, the Provincial People's Committee shall decide on the specific exploitation time for each license and registration dossier, but not exceeding the time frame specified above.
Decree No. 10/2025/ND-CP also amends and supplements Point a, Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree No. 23/2020/ND-CP on wharves and yards for gathering sand and gravel on riverbeds.
Among them, the wharf area and sand and gravel storage area must be located within the scope of inland waterway ports and inland waterway wharves according to the provisions of the Law on Inland Waterway Traffic.
TB (summary)