
People stay away from online football betting during EURO 2024 season

VN (according to Vietnamnet) June 17, 2024 08:17

The European Football Championship - EURO 2024 is taking place. The Information Security Department (Ministry of Information and Communications) recommends that people should resolutely stay away from football betting both directly and online, because this is a violation of the law.

In the warning about the situation of organizing gambling in the form of football betting, shared on the National Cyberspace Portal, the National Cyberspace Security Monitoring Center - NCSC under the Department of Information Security (Ministry of Information and Communications) informed: EURO 2024 opened on June 15 and the South American Football Championship - Copa America 2024 is about to begin. These are major sports and entertainment events, attracting a lot of attention from fans around the world, including football fans in Vietnam.

However, the period when major football tournaments take place is often also the time when gambling and football betting arise and increase, attracting a large number of players, causing many consequences, negatively affecting the family economy and social order and safety.

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According to the Department of Information Security, currently, gambling organizations take advantage of cyberspace to set up many football betting websites with servers located abroad.

Also according to NCSC, currently, gambling organizations have taken advantage of cyberspace to set up many football betting websites with server systems located abroad, and at the same time, they are trying to advertise and entice players to open accounts to participate in football betting.

With a passion for football, putting faith in their favorite teams and wanting to have money to play, many people have been lured and enticed to participate in football betting directly or on the Internet. This is also the reason for the increase and complexity of other crimes and law violations such as theft, robbery, snatching, fraud, intentional injury, usury in civil transactions, human trafficking, etc.

Faced with the above situation, the Information Security Department recommends that people need to raise awareness of complying with the provisions of the law. People are passionate and love football but need to resolutely stay away from football betting, must be aware of the consequences and harms of gambling on their own lives, families and society.

Owners of food and beverage service establishments, coffee shops, beer bars, entertainment venues, Internet cafes, etc. are advised to strictly comply with the law on security and order during the organization of football viewing, not to organize football betting and not to assist or cover up for subjects to take advantage of organizing football betting. In case of detecting subjects with suspicious signs related to football betting, people need to promptly report to the nearest police agency.

Previously, in mid-May 2024, in an update on the fight against organized gambling and online gambling crimes, the Department of Cyber ​​Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention - A05 (Ministry of Public Security) stated: Recently, the activities of this type of crime have become increasingly sophisticated, constantly changing access domain names, using server systems located abroad to avoid detection, tracing, and prevention by authorities.

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Some subjects also spread false "Denunciations" about the authorities' work to fight and handle gambling rings.

Subjects use social networking platforms, especially Facebook, to post advertising information about online gambling activities. Not only that, some subjects also spread false 'denunciations' about the work of fighting and handling websites and gambling networks by authorities. This is essentially bad, toxic, and untrue information aimed at attracting public opinion, attacking and discrediting functional units for the purpose of advertising about websites and gambling networks.

Also in the information released in mid-May 2024, A05 said it will closely coordinate with the police of units, localities, functional agencies of the Ministry of Information and Communications and people to fight and eradicate gambling dens and lines, online gambling in all forms; coordinate with functional branches to prosecute and strictly try violators before the law.

At the same time, A05 also recommends that people strictly comply with legal regulations, raise awareness and consciousness about the consequences and harms of online gambling crimes; be vigilant against tricks and activities that entice and entice people to participate in organizing online gambling activities.

VN (according to Vietnamnet)
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People stay away from online football betting during EURO 2024 season