
Male student single-handedly "draws" national flag from blood donation certificate, causing internet fever

VN (according to VTC News) August 22, 2024 08:30

In recent days, the online community has been sharing a photo of male student Nguyen Phuc Duc posing next to a special national flag, made from 30 blood donation certificates.

On his personal page, Nguyen Phuc Duc (born in 1997, Thai Nguyen) proudly "shows off" the results after many hours of hard work arranging a special, one-of-a-kind national flag."I show my love for the Fatherland by folding my blood donation certificate into the shape of a red flag with a yellow star. Proud to be Vietnamese", Duc wrote.

Phúc Đức và lá cờ đặc biệt. (Ảnh: NVCC)
Phuc Duc and the special flag

Quickly, the image of the young man with one hand radiantly holding the national flag received many compliments from the online community. Many people admired Duc not only for his meaningful action but also for the stories of noble deeds behind it.

Sharing about this idea, Phuc Duc said that recently surfing the internet, he saw many young people drawing the national flag on their roofs and outside their rolling doors to show their love for the country.

In response to the 79th anniversary of Vietnam's National Day on September 2, Duc also wanted to contribute a small part to that common spirit. Duc came up with the idea of ​​arranging the blood donation certificates accumulated over the past 10 years to create a national flag.

"From sketch to completion, it only took me about 2-3 hours", Duc said. Although it didn't take much time to arrange, the male student wanted to arrange it beautifully and in the right proportions because this was a sacred flag and couldn't be done hastily.

Duc used the red side of the blood donation certificate as the background and the other side had a yellow background as the 5-pointed star in the middle.

Lá cờ được xếp từ 30 tấm giấy chứng nhận hiến máu. (Ảnh: NVCC)
The flag is made from 30 blood donation certificates.

"The red color of the national flag is the color of the blood of our ancestors, the color of revolution. It is a coincidence and meaningful that the work was created from the certificates when I donated blood.", Duc said and recalled the first time the male student performed this noble act in 2016.

Duc said he still remembers clearly what the volunteers said at that time."The pain that blood donors endure when the needle is inserted is nothing compared to the pain of the sick children who wait day by day, hour by hour to receive blood."

This helped Duc overcome his fear of needles and realize his positive self-worth."Even though I'm disabled, I'm very happy because I can still give, live beautifully, and help people."Therefore, every day until the required number of days, Phuc Duc registers to donate blood. The young man from Thai Nguyen wishes to help many patients with serious illnesses.

For nearly 10 years, whenever he has the chance, Duc has donated blood. Up to now, he has owned 30 certificates. That is also the number of certificates that make up the special flag.

Chàng trai trẻ tích cực tham gia hoạt động tình nguyện. (Ảnh: NVCC)
Young man actively participates in volunteer activities

Duc lost part of his right arm after a water tank fell on him when he was in 6th grade. Over the years, Duc has had to practice to master everything with his left arm.

There was a time when the male student was shy, introverted and had difficulty communicating with people around him, but since participating in team activities, Duc has become much more confident and open.

In recent times, besides voluntary blood donation, Duc has participated in many meaningful activities and received many noble titles.

Duc was awarded a certificate of merit by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Red Cross Society for his outstanding achievements in the humanitarian blood donation movement. The male student achieved the title"Progressive youth follow Uncle Ho's words"and"5 good students"Thai Nguyen provincial level

Notably, Duc is one of the 100 outstanding blood donors nationwide that Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met and encouraged and was honored in 2023.

In addition, Duc also received a certificate of merit from the Executive Committee of the Vietnamese Student Association of Thai Nguyen University for his outstanding achievements in the Youth Union movement.

Duc is currently the Vice President of the Student Union of the University of Science (Thai Nguyen University). The student of the Faculty of Tourism said that he always studies well and spreads positive messages to everyone around him.

VN (according to VTC News)
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Male student single-handedly "draws" national flag from blood donation certificate, causing internet fever