Thanh Ha District (Hai Duong) has successfully completed the 2025 blood donation plan when in March alone, it collected 1,294 units of blood, exceeding the set target by 7.8%.
On March 19 and 21, the Thanh Ha District Voluntary Blood Donation Mobilization Committee organized a Voluntary Blood Donation Festival for high schools and Vocational Education - Continuing Education Centers, and communes in Ha Dong area.
After 2 days of campaigning, more than 500 cadres, teachers, students from schools and units came to donate blood, collecting 488 units of blood.
Previously, on March 5, the Thanh Ha District Voluntary Blood Donation Mobilization Committee organized the "Thanh Ha Thousand Red Hearts" Voluntary Blood Donation Festival, collecting 806 units of blood from officials, civil servants, and public employees of the district.
Thus, in March, Thanh Ha district collected 1,294 units of blood, exceeding the yearly plan by 7.8%.
All collected blood was handed over to Hai Duong Provincial General Hospital and the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion.