Supreme supervision of thrift practice and waste prevention

August 11, 2021 10:00

The National Assembly resolved at its 3rd Session to consider the Government's reports on additional assessments of the results of the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and state budget in 2020...

Panorama of the closing session of the 1st Session, 15th National Assembly. (Photo: Phuong Hoa/VNA)

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue signed and issued Resolution No. 09/2021/QH15 on the National Assembly's Supervision Program in 2022.

The National Assembly resolved at the 3rd session to consider the Government's reports on additional assessment of the results of the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the state budget in 2021; the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the state budget in the first months of 2022; the report on thrift practice and waste prevention in 2021; the report on the 2020 state budget settlement; the report of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the results of the supervision of the settlement of voters' petitions sent to the 2nd session and other reports of relevant agencies in accordance with the provisions of law; conduct questioning and answering questions of National Assembly deputies.

At the 3rd Session, the National Assembly reviewed the thematic supervision report on “Implementation of policies and laws on planning since the Law on Planning came into effect”; reviewed the report of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the implementation of supervision recommendations of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Ethnic Council, the National Assembly Committees, the National Assembly delegations and National Assembly deputies (if any).

At the 4th Session, the National Assembly reviewed the Government's reports on: the results of the implementation of the socio-economic development plan, the state budget for 2022 and the socio-economic development plan, the state budget estimate, the central budget allocation plan for 2023; the implementation of national gender equality goals; the implementation of the Constitution, laws, and resolutions of the National Assembly; anti-corruption work; crime and law violation prevention work, execution of judgments and other reports of relevant agencies as prescribed by law.

The National Assembly also reviewed reports of the Government, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuracy on the settlement of complaints and denunciations; reports of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the results of supervision of the settlement of voters' petitions sent to the 3rd Session, the results of citizen reception, handling of petitions and supervision of the settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations sent to the National Assembly; and conducted questioning and answering questions of National Assembly deputies.

At the 4th Session, the National Assembly reviewed the thematic supervision report on "Implementation of policies and laws on practicing thrift and combating waste in the 2016-2021 period"; reviewed the 2022 work reports of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationalities Council, the National Assembly Committees; the Government, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the State Audit; reviewed the report of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the implementation of supervision recommendations of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationalities Council, the National Assembly Committees, the National Assembly delegations and National Assembly deputies (if any).

The National Assembly assigns the National Assembly Standing Committee to issue a plan and organize the effective implementation of this Resolution; develop a Project to innovate supervisory activities for implementation in 2022 and the following years; direct and coordinate the supervisory activities of the Council of Nationalities and the Committees of the National Assembly; guide the National Assembly delegation and National Assembly deputies in carrying out supervisory activities; direct the monitoring, urging and summarizing the results of the implementation of recommendations after supervision; report on the results of the implementation of the National Assembly's supervisory program, as a basis for planning the supervisory program for the following year, ensuring the connection between supervisory activities and legislative activities and decisions on important issues of the country.

Based on the National Assembly's supervision program and actual conditions and situations, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationalities Council, the National Assembly Committees, the National Assembly delegations, and National Assembly deputies shall proactively develop and implement their supervision programs, report on implementation results in accordance with the law; promote their roles and responsibilities, continue to research and propose specific, practical, and feasible innovations, contributing to improving the quality and effectiveness of supervision activities.

The Secretary General of the National Assembly and the Office of the National Assembly, based on their functions and tasks, shall enhance professionalism in organization and implementation, and strengthen conditions to ensure that supervisory activities are conducted smoothly, with high quality and efficiency.

Relevant agencies, organizations and individuals are responsible for reporting and providing complete, timely and accurate information and documents on the content of supervision as requested; fully, promptly and seriously implementing recommendations after supervision; clearly identifying the causes and responsibilities of each agency, organization and individual in not implementing or not implementing well the recommendations and reporting to the National Assembly and the National Assembly Standing Committee on the implementation results.

In Resolution No. 18/2021/QH15, the National Assembly resolved to establish the National Assembly's Supervisory Delegation on "Implementation of policies and laws on practicing thrift and combating waste in the 2016-2021 period" and assigned: Mr. Tran Quang Phuong, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly as Head of the Delegation; Mr. Nguyen Phu Cuong, Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee as Permanent Deputy Head of the Delegation; Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh, Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee as Deputy Head of the Delegation; Mr. Bui Van Cuong, Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Secretary General of the National Assembly, Director of the National Assembly Office as Deputy Head of the Delegation.

The members, delegates and experts invited to join the Supervisory Delegation are decided by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Scope of supervision: implementation of policies and laws on practicing thrift and combating waste from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2021 and related previous and subsequent periods nationwide.

Subjects of supervision: Government, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government, Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuracy, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities and relevant agencies and organizations.

Monitoring content: evaluate the results achieved, limitations, difficulties, obstacles, identify causes, clarify the responsibilities of agencies, organizations, and individuals in promulgating and organizing the implementation of policies and laws on practicing thrift and combating waste; recommend solutions to improve the effectiveness of practicing thrift, combating waste and perfecting related policies and laws.

According to the Resolution, the Supervisory Delegation shall perform its duties and exercise its powers as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 16 of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils and other relevant legal provisions, report to the National Assembly Standing Committee on the supervision results at the August 2022 meeting, and submit them to the National Assembly for consideration at the 4th session.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue also signed and issued Resolution No. 19/2021/QH15 on the establishment of a thematic supervision delegation on "Implementation of policies and laws on planning since the Law on Planning came into effect."

Specifically, the comrades: Nguyen Duc Hai, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly as Head of the Delegation; Vu Hong Thanh, Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly Economic Committee as Permanent Deputy Head of the Delegation; Le Quang Huy, Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Science, Technology and Environment as Deputy Head of the Delegation; Nguyen Dac Vinh, Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Culture and Education as Deputy Head of the Delegation.

The members, delegates and experts invited to join the Supervisory Delegation are decided by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Scope of supervision: implementation of policies and laws on planning work since the Law on Planning No. 21/2017/QH14 took effect nationwide.

Subjects of supervision: Government, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, People's Councils, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.

Monitoring content: evaluate achieved results, limitations, difficulties, obstacles, identify causes, clarify responsibilities of agencies, organizations, and individuals in promulgating and organizing the implementation of policies and laws on planning work; recommend solutions to improve the effectiveness of planning work and perfect related policies and laws.

The Resolution states: The National Assembly Standing Committee directs the Supervisory Delegation to develop a supervisory plan and organize its implementation.

The monitoring delegation shall perform its tasks and exercise its powers as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 16 of the Law on Monitoring Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils and other relevant legal provisions, report to the National Assembly Standing Committee on the monitoring results at the April 2022 meeting, and submit them to the National Assembly for consideration at the 3rd session.

The Economic Committee of the National Assembly shall preside over advising the Supervisory Delegation on issues related to the supervision content. The Secretary General of the National Assembly and the Office of the National Assembly shall preside over advising and serving the Supervisory Delegation on programs, plans, and work to ensure the activities of the Supervisory Delegation.

The National Assembly delegation organizes supervision of thematic content and sends a report on the results as requested by the Supervision Delegation.

According to VNA

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Supreme supervision of thrift practice and waste prevention