
Forecast in the next 12 hours, water levels of rivers continue to rise rapidly

PV September 11, 2024 09:19

According to the Hai Duong Province Hydrometeorological Station, floods on rivers in Hai Duong are rising.

At 7:00 a.m. on September 11, the water level on the Thai Binh River at Pha Lai was below alert level III.

Water level at 7:00 a.m. on September 11 on Thai Binh River at Pha Lai was 5.83m (0.17m below alarm level III), at Cat Khe 5.2m (0.2m above alarm level III); Kinh Thay River at Ben Binh 4.41m (0.09m below alarm level III); Gua River at Ba Nha 2.64m (0.06m below alarm level III); Kinh Mon River at An Phu 3.09m (0.19m above alarm level III); Rang River at Quang Dat 2.82m (0.08m below alarm level III), Luoc River at La Tien 4.72m (0.02m above alarm level II).

It is forecasted that in the next 12 hours, the water levels of rivers will continue to rise rapidly. On the Thai Binh River at Cat Khe; Kinh Mon River at An Phu will continue to remain at level above alert level III. On the Thai Binh River at Pha Lai, Kinh Thay River at Ben Binh, Gua River at Ba Nha, Rang River at Quang Dat, Luoc River at La Tien will continue to remain at level above alert level II and may reach alert level III in the afternoon or evening of September 11.

In the next 12-24 hours, the water levels of rivers will continue to rise. On the Thai Binh River at Pha Lai, Cat Khe; Kinh Thay River at Ben Binh will continue to remain at a level above alert level III. On the Kinh Mon River at An Phu, the Gua River at Ba Nha, the Rang River at Quang Dat, and the Luoc River at La Tien will continue to remain at a high level above alert level III after a slow change.

High flood water levels in the river can cause flooding in low-lying areas along the river, low-lying areas in Hai Duong city, Chi Linh city and districts of Nam Sach, Thanh Ha, Kinh Mon, Kim Thanh, Ninh Giang, Thanh Mien. It is necessary to guard against local flash floods, landslides in mountainous areas, areas along rivers and streams and flooding in low-lying areas.


Flood risk warning on Thai Binh River at Pha Lai is level 3; on Thai Binh River at Cat Khe, Kinh Thay River at Ben Binh, Luoc River at La Tien and rivers in the downstream area of ​​the province is level 2.

Rising river levels combined with heavy rains can cause flooding in low-lying areas along rivers and streams, traffic activities, aquaculture projects on rivers and agricultural production along rivers and streams, affecting people's lives. Beware of danger and landslides in vulnerable riverbank dykes.

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Forecast in the next 12 hours, water levels of rivers continue to rise rapidly