
Proposal to build land price list for each plot of land

VN (according to VnEconomy) October 3, 2024 16:07

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is drafting a Circular detailing the construction, adjustment, amendment and supplementation of land price lists for each plot of land based on value zones and standard plots of land.

Đề xuất xây dựng bảng giá đất đến từng thửa đất - Ảnh 1
Build land price list for each plot of land based on value area and standard plot of land.

Currently, there are no specific regulations on the construction of land price lists for each plot of land based on value zones and standard plots. Therefore, to comply with the 2024 Land Law and legal documents as well as practical requirements of land management, the construction and promulgation of the Circular is very necessary.

Determine the value area and basis for selecting standard land plots

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment said that on June 27, 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 71/2024/ND-CP, which stipulates land valuation methods; development, adjustment, amendment and supplementation of land price lists; specific land valuation regulations; conditions for practicing land valuation consultancy; application of land valuation methods in transitional cases specified in Point c, Clause 2, Article 257 of the Land Law.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for providing detailed regulations on the construction, adjustment, amendment and supplementation of land price lists for each land plot based on the value zone and standard land plot. The development of the Circular aims to ensure that the provisions of the Land Law are implemented promptly, synchronously, uniformly and effectively as soon as the law comes into effect.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment proposes a draft Circular detailing the construction, adjustment, amendment and supplementation of land price tables for each plot of land based on value zones and standard plots with specific regulations on: Assessing the conditions of the area for constructing land price tables for each plot of land based on value zones and standard plots; collecting and synthesizing information on land plot characteristics; determining value zones; basis for selecting standard plots of land; establishing comparison ratio tables; reviewing, checking and correcting the results of determining the price of specific plots of land...

According to the draft, based on the results of synthesizing information on the characteristics of all land plots, add a data layer on traffic to the digital cadastral map; identify administrative centers, commercial centers, markets, educational facilities, medical facilities, sports facilities, medical facilities, parks, and entertainment areas on the digital cadastral map.

The establishment of value zones is implemented according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 26 of Decree No. 71/2024/ND-CP.

The value area is demarcated, numbered and shown on the digital cadastral map, specifically as follows: The value area boundary is shown by a solid red line; using codes to denote land types and numbering the land value area; the color of the land value area after determining the price range: value areas with the same price range have the same color, areas with high price ranges have darker colors than areas with low price ranges.

According to the draft, it is necessary to count the frequency of appearance of characteristics regarding area, shape, and size of standard land plots in each value area.

Specifically, the draft proposes 3 bases for selecting standard land plots.

One isThe land plot with the highest frequency of appearance of characteristics of area, shape, and size in the value area. In case the land plots in the value area have many types of area with the same frequency, then choose the land plot with the area closest to the average area of ​​the land plots in the value area in order of priority; in case the land plots in the value area have many complex shapes, appearing with the same frequency, then choose the land plot with the relatively similar rectangular or square shape as the standard land plot.

Two isLand plots with little change in location, purpose, shape, or planning.

Three isThe land plot has clear boundaries, full legal status regarding land use rights and house ownership rights, property attached to the land (if any), and is not in dispute regarding land use rights and house ownership rights, property attached to the land (if any).

Conduct land valuation, survey, consult land users and experts on suitability

The draft also clearly states that the organization implementing land valuation shall base on data synthesizing information on the characteristics of all land plots, synthesizing input land price information in Clause 3, Article 5 of this Circular, and using statistical analysis to determine how to adjust for each level of difference of each factor affecting land price.

Based on the specific situation in the locality, the results of determining the adjustment method for each difference level of each factor affecting land price by statistical analysis according to the above regulations, the organization implementing land valuation analyzes, evaluates and drafts a comparison ratio table.

The organization conducting land valuation surveys experts' opinions on the draft comparison ratio table by direct interviews or organizing workshops to collect opinions; synthesizes opinions and proposes a comparison ratio table in the explanatory report on the development of the land price table.

Also according to the draft, based on the results of land valuation in each value zone, the organization implementing land valuation determines the difference in land prices of adjacent plots with the same purpose of use in each value zone, and the difference in land prices of adjacent plots with the same purpose of use between value zones.

Along with that, the organization conducting land valuation surveys and collects opinions from land users and experts on the suitability of the valuation results of land plots in each value area compared to similar land plots that have been transferred on the market or won auctions for land use rights within 24 months from the time of survey and before, and the suitability of the price differences specified above; The organization conducting land valuation synthesizes opinions, reviews, and adjusts the price of specific land plots.

VN (according to VnEconomy)
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Proposal to build land price list for each plot of land