In recent days, the dry weather has continued, the humidity is low, and many people in Hai Duong are worried about the risk of forest fires in Kinh Mon and Chi Linh.
In a short period of time, the “shield” in natural disaster prevention in Hai Duong has been continuously violated. Many forests have been burned and felled, not only affecting economic development and the livelihood of forest owners, but also negatively affecting the environment and natural disaster prevention.
In early November, forest fires broke out in several places in Kinh Mon. Typically, in the same afternoon, two forest fires broke out in Quang Thanh and Bach Dang communes.
According to reports from authorities, from the beginning of the year to the end of October, there were 5 forest fires in the province, with a total area of about 18 hectares.
Previously, storm No. 3 was too big to withstand, causing many forests to be devastated and collapsed. Authorities determined that about 1,760 hectares of forest were completely damaged. Many forest owners lost hundreds of millions of dong in seeds and care costs...
This year, the area of forest in Hai Duong burned and felled is greater than every year.
The main cause is believed to be the prolonged dry weather, many times at extremely dangerous forest fire level (level V); the amount of litter and fallen trees after storm No. 3 is large; people burn down gardens and forests after exploitation, carelessly causing the fire to spread to the forest. Fire fighting also encountered many difficulties...
But those are the causes of forest fires and their spread that we have learned and known. In reality, the causes of most recent forest fires have not been announced in the media, and are only at the initial assessment level.
It must be affirmed that the planting and protection of forests in Hai Duong for many years has been carried out relatively well. The green hills and forests have contributed to economic development and protecting the living environment for the people.
However, the recent storms and fires that have cut down many forests show that forest protection work is still limited.
To contribute to preserving forests, first of all, we need to clearly identify the causes of forest fires and widely publicize these causes. From there, we focus on proposing effective solutions for everyone to implement.
This year, there was a big storm that caused many trees to fall and die, a large source of flammable materials and affected firebreaks and trails in the forest, making it very difficult to move to handle the fire, especially fires at night. This is a very different and new problem, requiring a specific and appropriate forest fire prevention plan. This plan also needs to be sent to units, localities, and functional forces for comments and agreement to have the most optimal handling plan. At the same time, mobilize forces and people to participate in practicing simulated situations of fire prevention and fighting.
The area of fallen and dead trees is very large. It is necessary to organize more clearing of vegetation in planted forest areas and firebreaks.
To help authorities patrol forests more promptly and effectively, it is necessary to invest in drones (flycam) to control forest fires. Early detection and timely mobilization of firefighting forces will help control the fire at the initial stage, reducing damage.
Forests are the best protection against increasingly severe natural disasters. Focusing on planting, caring for and protecting forests will contribute to environmental protection, disaster mitigation and forestry economic development.