
Abolish district police, security and order are not a concern

TIEN HUY February 28, 2025 05:45

After there are no more district-level police, the work of ensuring security and order at the grassroots level needs to be deployed smoothly and widely, without leaving any areas or fields vacant.

In recent years, the work of ensuring security and order in Hai Duong has achieved quite comprehensive results, including very positive contributions from district-level police.

At the national conference to disseminate and summarize the implementation of Resolution 18 of the 12th Party Central Committee, organized by the Politburo and the Secretariat on December 1, 2024, General Secretary To Lam emphasized: The new apparatus must be better than the old one and put into operation immediately; there must be no interruption in work, no time gaps, no vacant areas or fields; no impact on the normal activities of society and people...

The above content was also given by General Luong Tam Quang, Minister of Public Security on February 18, when informing about the policy of arranging 3-level police, not organizing district-level police. Accordingly, not organizing district-level police has been thoroughly evaluated in terms of tasks, not to interrupt work, not to leave areas and fields vacant.

Therefore, all aspects of work, especially ensuring security and order of the police force nationwide as well as in Hai Duong, are not outside this direction.

In 2024, the fight against crime in Hai Duong will be vigorously implemented, with social order crimes decreasing by 20% compared to 2023. This result makes Hai Duong one of the 10 localities in the country with the deepest reduction in social order crimes nationwide. The rate of investigation and discovery of social order cases reached 94.1%. The police force has successfully dismantled many major projects, many criminal, economic, drug, black credit, and high-tech crime rings have been brought to light...

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The above results have great contributions from the police of 12 districts, cities and towns in Hai Duong. This is a particularly important force. During the process of formation and development, the district-level police have had many outstanding achievements in attacking and suppressing crime, protecting the peaceful life of the people, becoming an extended arm of the provincial-level police.

The achievements of the district-level police have contributed significantly to affirming that the people's police force is always worthy of being the "sword of the Party".

Although the general policy is to "run and line up at the same time", departments must immediately get to work, but during the transition period of people, operations, and facilities, there will certainly be some difficulties. This is a time when bad guys can easily take advantage of the "twilight and dark" to commit crimes or other illegal acts.

Therefore, police forces at all levels need to get to work immediately after the apparatus is completed. Ensuring security and order must always be carried out smoothly, without interruption, in the direction of effective, efficient and effective operations.

With the motto "comprehensive province; strong commune, close to the grassroots", the provincial police will comprehensively resolve all security and order situations in the locality. The commune police are strengthened to be strong, close to the grassroots, and resolve issues according to their functions right from the beginning and at the grassroots.

In Hai Duong, the activities of 12 district-level police and professional teams of district-level police will end. About 50% of the officers and soldiers will be assigned to departments and professional units of the provincial police, the rest will be assigned to the police of 207 communes, wards and towns (151 communes, 46 wards and 10 towns). This is an important condition for the police force to be closer to the people, especially in areas with large areas, large populations, and complicated security and order.

The cessation of district-level police operations is truly a huge change in the people's police force throughout history.

When the ideology is clear; awareness and determination in the entire force about arranging and streamlining the organization to operate effectively, efficiently and effectively have been unified, the quality of security and order work in Hai Duong will be better and better.

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Abolish district police, security and order are not a concern