A forest fire broke out in Quang Thanh and Bach Dang communes of Kinh Mon town (Hai Duong) this afternoon. The large number of fallen trees after the storm and the dry weather made firefighting difficult.
At around 3pm on November 1, people discovered a forest fire in Quang Thanh commune; half an hour later, another forest fire was discovered in Bach Dang commune (also in Kinh Mon town). These are the third and fourth forest fires in Kinh Mon town since the beginning of October.
Upon receiving the news, Kinh Mon Town People's Committee mobilized maximum human resources including: police, military, forest rangers... Quang Thanh Commune mobilized about 100 people, Bach Dang Commune mobilized nearly 200 people to coordinate to create firebreaks and put out the fire.
Due to the thick layer of vegetation, the large amount of fallen trees after the storm, and the dry weather, fire fighting was difficult.
By 5 p.m. the same day, the fire in Quang Thanh commune was basically under control; in Bach Dang commune, it was completely extinguished around 7 p.m. Currently, these two localities still have to assign forces to guard against the fire from breaking out again.
The cause and extent of the forest fires in the two localities have not yet been determined. However, according to a source from Hai Duong Newspaper, the area of the fires in both places is quite large.
Hai Duong Newspaper will continue to inform readers.