Parents should teach their children these three laws so that they can face difficulties and failures and learn to overcome them strongly.
The Law of Alcohol and Wastewater
If you pour a glass of wine into a barrel of sewage, the sewage is still sewage. Conversely, if you pour a glass of sewage into a barrel of wine, the wine will also become sewage.
It is understandable that no matter how good a person is, if they are in a dirty environment and meet evil people with malicious intentions, they will become evil people. Psychologists have proven that it takes 21 days or more to form a good habit, and it only takes a few hours to break a good habit and make it worse.
Every parent wants to guide their children to good things. However, if parents do not set an example, they cannot teach their children as desired. Children tend to imitate and learn from what they observe from the adults around them. Therefore, if parents want their children to grow up to be kind people, every action of their parents must be truly kind. Parents setting an example is considered one of the most effective educational methods, helping children orient themselves in a natural and harmonious way.
No parent would be rude to others and expect their child to be polite to others. It is impossible to have an honest child if their parents lie frequently. Therefore, there are three principles that parents need to follow: Be the type of person they want their child to be; Regularly reflect on themselves and change; and do not force their child to do what they want.
Law of Entropy
Entropy is a law of physics but is considered a measure of chaos. Accordingly, in life there are always many chaotic variations far exceeding the orderly things.
For example, if you build a sand castle on the beach and come back a few days later, it will probably be gone. There is only one combination of sand grains that can make the sand castle look like the one you made, but there are an infinite number of different combinations that can destroy it. In theory, waves and wind could move the sand around and create your sand castle. In reality, that never happens. The odds are astronomically high that the sand will scatter into random clumps.
Entropy provides an explanation for why Murphy's Law "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" seems to happen so often in life. There are more things that can go wrong than things that can go right.
Therefore, to reduce the impact of "increasing entropy", it is necessary to arrange everything that is chaotic into something orderly and positive. Before getting discouraged, it is still possible to fight against the impact of entropy. For example, if you do not clean your room, it will become dirty, full of cobwebs and dust. If you do not try and live in vain, you will be useless.
If you feel like you can't concentrate on your work when you're surrounded by social media, phones, games, unrelated tabs while surfing the Internet... you should close them all, use your willpower to concentrate and complete your work/assignment. This is also an "anti-Entropy" effort, with the help of external forces such as your willpower or a supervisor like your parents.
Law of Compound Interest
A typical sheet of paper is about 0.14 mm thick. If you fold it in half 64 times, how thick would it be? The result is startling: the paper would be 1,660,206,960 km tall, while the distance from Earth to the Moon is only 384,000 km.
Suppose that each day the number of lotus flowers in the pond doubles compared to the previous day. On the 30th day, the lotus flowers will fill the pond. So the question is: On what day will the lotus flowers bloom half the pond? That is the 29th day. On this day, the lotus flowers will fill half the pond, which also means that the 30th day has the fastest blooming rate, equal to the sum of the previous 29 days.
This is the power of compounding. The idea is that if you do A, you get B, and B in turn reinforces A, and so on.
Life is like a lotus in a pond. Many people, despite their best efforts, get bored and give up on the 9th, 19th, or even 29th day. The moment someone wants to give up is usually just a few steps away from success. In other words, the key to success is persistence.
So, if you have a dream, you must first pursue it to the end, and persevere in realizing it. Only then can we achieve great achievements.
According to VnExpress