
Yen Bai prosecutes candidate for leaking math graduation exam questions

According to Tin Tuc newspaper November 7, 2023 19:15

The Security Investigation Agency of Yen Bai Provincial Police has issued a decision to prosecute the case, prosecute the accused and issue a house arrest order against Ngo Hong Anh for the crime of intentionally disclosing state secrets.

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The photo reflects half of page 4 of the math test, code 113, from questions 41 to 45.

According to information from the Security Investigation Agency of Yen Bai Province Police, the authorities have issued a decision to prosecute the case, prosecute the accused and issue a ban on leaving the place of residence for Ngo Hong Anh (born in 2002, residing in Tan Thinh Commune, Yen Bai City) to investigate the crime of Intentionally disclosing state secrets (stipulated in Clause 2, Article 337 of the Penal Code). The above decisions have been approved by the People's Procuracy of Yen Bai Province.

Previously, during the investigation, the authorities determined that on June 28, 2023, during the High School Graduation Exam, in exam room No. 061, exam site of Hoang Quoc Viet High School, Gioi Phien commune, Yen Bai city, after 60 minutes of taking the multiple-choice Math test (2/3 of the test time), candidate Ngo Hong Anh used a mobile phone brought in beforehand to take a photo of the part of the exam that Anh had not completed and sent it via Messenger (texting) to 3 other people to take the exam for her, causing the exam to be leaked on social networks.

Yen Bai Provincial Police said that Anh's behavior, although not affecting the overall results of the exam, violated the law on protecting state secrets in the field of Education and Training.

According to Tin Tuc newspaper
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Yen Bai prosecutes candidate for leaking math graduation exam questions