The Party Committees of Thanh Binh Ward, Hai Duong Central College of Pharmacy and Hai Duong Telecommunications were selected by the Standing Committee of Hai Duong City Party Committee to organize grassroots congresses for the 2025-2030 term.
The Standing Committee of Hai Duong City Party Committee has selected the Party Committees of Thanh Binh Ward, Hai Duong Central College of Pharmacy and Hai Duong Telecommunications to organize the grassroots Party Congress for the 2025-2030 term.
The above Party Committees have fulfilled their tasks well for many consecutive years. Along with many achievements and results achieved in the past time, the 3 Party Committees have ensured the conditions and facilities to organize model congresses. It is expected that the model congresses will be held in March 2025.
The Standing Committee of Hai Duong City Party Committee has established working groups and developed plans to direct and guide the above Party Committees in organizing model congresses.