Knowing how to use English not only helps us have a better "fishing rod", but also helps us take a big step towards confidently integrating and becoming global citizens.
Recently, at the conference of the Government Standing Committee with businesses, public opinion paid attention to the proposal of Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong, Chairman of Vingroup, that the Government needs to increase training and popularize English not only in public schools but also for the entire population, towards a global citizen society. Mr. Vuong also added that Vingroup is willing to sponsor teachers to remote areas to promote English training from remote areas to urban areas, thus creating a better "fishing rod" for young people.
This proposal immediately received approval and this also reminded me of a memorable lesson I had encountered. Nearly twenty years ago, when I was a student, fresh from the countryside to the capital to study, during a visit to Tran Quoc Pagoda, I met a foreign visitor. He came to speak to me in English, wanting me to introduce a little about the relic. With my limited English, I only understood one sentence in the English he said: Do you speak English? At that time, I replied: "I cannot speak English". Immediately, I felt that the visitor was very disappointed, perhaps he was thinking: Why is there still someone who cannot speak English until now?! As for me, needless to say, I was embarrassed!
So when I heard the proposal of billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong, I found it very right. I also want to share with young people today, when you have the opportunity, equipping yourself with English is not only to have a better "fishing rod", but also a way for us to integrate, develop ourselves, and contribute to the development of the country.
Looking at Singapore's achievements, it is not wrong to say that "The greatest legacy that the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew left for Singapore is English". Since 1959, when he took office as Prime Minister, he chose English as the main language of Singapore and continuously promoted the learning of English in this country. To help citizens learn English better, he introduced important policies such as making English compulsory in all schools and choosing English as the official language in the education system. He also established quality English teacher training programs, and encouraged the use of English in work and daily communication... This policy was one of the factors that helped Singapore quickly rise from a small fishing village to become an "Asian dragon" and increasingly consolidate its position as it is today.
In Vietnam, the Politburo has also recently proposed that all levels improve students' foreign language skills, gradually making English the second language in schools. This is to implement Resolution 29-NQ/TW in 2013 of the Party Central Committee "On fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the conditions of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration".
The Politburo also requested that competent authorities focus on improving foreign language skills of students, gradually making English the second language in schools.
In fact, in Vietnam in general, or Hai Duong in particular, for many years, English has been a subject that has been included in the education system from primary to secondary school, university, and even in kindergartens. The story of teaching and popularizing English is not a new direction, but up to now, foreign language training has only stopped at the form of teaching and learning, not at the aspect of language reception. Making children love and love this language is still a long story.
Affirming that the step-by-step orientation to make English the second language in the education system is the right step, but this will also be a big challenge for the education sector. To do so, it requires determination not only from the education sector, but also from the entire political system and the efforts of each citizen. I hope that this roadmap will soon bear fruit, when the young generation of Vietnam can confidently step into the "era of national growth" and no one will be ashamed of not knowing English like me.