Education and training

Which foreign language certificates are counted as 10 points in English for high school graduation exam?

HA (synthetic) March 10, 2024 09:29

This year, in addition to IELTS and TOEFL, many other certificates such as B1, TOEIC or Aptis ESOL can be used to convert scores and exempt from the English graduation exam.

Thí sinh có nhiều lựa chọn hơn trong việc sử dụng chứng chỉ để miễn thi tốt nghiệp môn tiếng Anh. (Ảnh minh hoạ)
Candidates have more options in using certificates to exempt from the English graduation exam.

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has just announced a circular amending a number of articles of the Regulations on High School Graduation Exams, including expanding the list of English certificates recognized in this exam.

As in previous years, candidates with TOEFL ITP 450 points, TOEFL iBT 45 points, IELTS 4.0 will be awarded 10 points and exempted from the English test.

This year, candidates will also get 10 points and be exempted from the English test if they have one of the following certificates: B1 Preliminary, B1 Business Preliminary, B1 Linguaskill; Aptis ESOL B1; Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC) level 2; TOEIC 4 skills (Listening and Reading 275, Speaking and Writing 120); level 3 certificate according to the 6-level foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam (VSTEP).

Of all the foreign languages, only English has been adjusted in the regulations. The other foreign languages ​​are Russian, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and the certificates used for exemption from the exam are similar to last year.

Minimum requirements for foreign language certificate scores and issuing units for exemption from the 2024 high school graduation exam are as follows:

Các chứng chỉ tiếng Anh được miễn thi và quy đổi sang điểm 10.
English certificates are exempted from exams and converted to 10 points.

Previously, the IELTS score of 4.0 was the standard to convert the English graduation score to 10 points, which caused controversy in public opinion. Many people believe that IELTS scores should only be used for university admission, not for graduation exam exemption.

However, the trend of candidates using certificates to convert scores and exempt from high school graduation exams is increasing. In 2023, up to 46,700 candidates followed this method, accounting for about 4.5% of the total number of candidates.

The Ministry of Education and Training also specifies more clearly the items candidates are allowed to bring into the exam room to serve the exam and prohibited items.

In addition, this year's graduation exam regulations also have new points when setting out clear regulations related to the responsibilities of independent candidates, independent rounds of the exam-making area... to minimize cheating in exams, ensuring fairness and transparency.

The Ministry of Education and Training plans to organize the 2024 high school graduation exam at the end of June.

HA (synthetic)
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Which foreign language certificates are counted as 10 points in English for high school graduation exam?