
Deputy Minister of Health dances flashmob to call for exercise

TH (according to VnExpress) April 6, 2024 20:49

In white, Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan danced a flashmob to cheer and inspire people to exercise on the morning of April 6.

Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan dancing flashmob, morning of April 6

Mr. Thuan joined 250 members of the teams and the organizers of the 2nd Vietnam Community Nutrition Day, in response to World Health Day on April 7, at Tao Dan Park. Last year, the event took place at Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square (Hanoi).

The Deputy Minister of Health emphasized the important role of scientific nutrition and reasonable exercise, calling on people to spend time exercising. Exercise does not need to be at a specific time but can be done in the morning, during breaks or in the evening.

"We can run, walk, do yoga or any other exercise according to our preferences and conditions. The important thing is to exercise every day and gradually we will see positive changes in our bodies," said Mr. Thuan.

Người dân được kiểm tra sức khỏe, tư vấn dinh dưỡng tại Ngày hội Dinh dưỡng Việt Nam, ngày 6/4. Ảnh: Hiểu Khuê
People get health check-ups and nutrition consultations at the 2nd Vietnam Community Nutrition Day, morning of April 6

The Ministry of Health's leaders cited statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), which noted that more than one billion people worldwide are obese, with the number expected to increase to 1.9 billion by 2035. Obesity leads to many health consequences, poor quality of life, and increased pressure on the healthcare system.

In Vietnam, the rate of overweight and obesity and non-communicable chronic diseases (related to overweight and obesity) are also increasing rapidly. The obesity rate in our country has more than doubled in the past 10 years, from 8.5% in 2010 to 19% in 2020. In particular, in large cities, the rate of overweight and obesity in children is very high. This figure in Ho Chi Minh City is more than 50% and in Hanoi is over 41%, according to the National Institute of Nutrition in 2020.

Mr. Thuan said that with the support of technology, people can now guide exercise and nutrition practices with many members of the association or group via video call. This helps each person improve their health, contributes to creating a healthy community, plays a very important role in disease prevention, improves the stature of Vietnamese people and helps reduce pressure on the health system.

World Health Day, April 7, is also the day WHO was founded 76 years ago. This year's theme is "My health, my right", aiming to protect the rights of everyone everywhere to access quality health services, education and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing...

TH (according to VnExpress)
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Deputy Minister of Health dances flashmob to call for exercise