Education and training

More universities conduct additional recruitment exams, highest target is nearly 2,000

VN (according to VTC News) August 25, 2024 06:16

After announcing the first round of admission scores, many universities announced to continue with additional admissions, including a second round of admissions with nearly 2,000 targets.

Many schools continue to recruit additional students with a score of 15-21. Some schools recruit students in all majors with many different methods. Some schools recruit up to nearly 2,000 students in the second round. However, some schools only recruit 25-50 more students.

List of 40 universities that have announced the second round of admission scores:

STTSchoolTargetFloor score
1International School (Vietnam National University, Hanoi)13020
2Vietnam Japan University (Vietnam National University, Hanoi)15020
3Vietnam Women's Academy2521
4Hong Bang International University3415
5Hoa Sen University1,50015
6Lac Hong University1,00015
7Vietnam University of Petroleum1520
8Nguyen Tat Thanh University63 industries15
9Dong Nai University2 industries15
10Quy Nhon University55615
11Thu Dau Mot University9815
12Dong Thap University21119
13Gia Dinh University45015
14Hung Vuong University Ho Chi Minh City50015
15Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages ​​and Information TechnologyAll industries18
16FPT University1,90021
17Vietnam Aviation Academy50016
18University of the Pacific65015
19CMC University25021
20Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Technology28015
21Eastern International University15 industries15
22Nam Dinh University of Technical Education27016
23Oriental University10 industries15
24Hoa Binh University76017
25Can Tho University1,50016
26Nha Trang University14 industries16
27Dong A University41 industries15
28Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics10018
29School of Business and Management, Vietnam National University, Hanoi7020
30Thai Nguyen University Branch in Lao Cai Province8016
31Phenikaa University17
32Vietnam - Hungary University of Industry48016
33Hai Phong University of Management and Technology38015
34Van Lang University60 industries16
35Saigon International University5016
36Tan Tao University20015
37Van Hien University39 industries15
38Phu Yen University9017.5
39Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment61815
40Duy Tan University65016

This year, the general admission system of the Ministry of Education and Training recorded more than 733,000 candidates registering for admission (equivalent to 68.5% of the number of candidates taking the 2024 high school graduation exam). Of which, the highest rate of candidates registering for the fields of Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology. Next is the Pedagogy field, followed by the Humanities and Health fields.

VN (according to VTC News)
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More universities conduct additional recruitment exams, highest target is nearly 2,000