About 2 weeks after Decree 168 was issued, the Coc Coc search engine has recorded about 300,000 direct searches.
Decree 168/2024/ND-CP regulating administrative sanctions for violations of traffic order and safety in the field of road traffic; deduction of points and restoration of driving license points takes effect from January 1, 2025.
The Cốc Cốc browser platform has compiled statistics on the level of interest of internet users in Decree 168/2024/ND-CP of the Government: Regulations on administrative sanctions for violations of traffic order and safety in the field of road traffic; deduction of points, restoration of driving license points.
This is a quick statistic in the 2 weeks that Decree 168 has been in effect, to report on the search trends for surrounding information, top main topics, most searched related keywords, top websites most visited by users...
From the time the Decree was issued (December 26, 2024) to now (2 weeks), the Coc Coc search engine recorded about 300,000 direct searches on this issue.
Prior to the effective date, search volume began to increase sharply from December 28, 2024, and peaked on December 30, 2024. On January 1, search volume remained high but decreased from the peak.
After January 1, searches increased again and peaked on January 2. Searches on this day were 1.8 times higher than the peak search on December 30, 2024.
Interest in Decree 168/2024/ND-CP increased sharply just before its effective date, showing that people were proactively seeking to comply with the new regulations. Searches peaked on January 2, reflecting a strong demand to learn more about the regulations after they officially took effect for 1 day.
According to the report, one week after the Decree took effect (January 1 - January 8), topics related to Decree 168 were searched more strongly than the previous week, most notably information about fines and payment for traffic safety violations with an increase of more than 144%.
The prominent keywords that users searched for revolved around Decree 168. In the week after the Decree took effect, the average number of daily searches for "cold fines" increased by 328.2% compared to the average of the previous week.
This sudden increase shows that people are concerned and are carefully studying the form of "cold fines" in the context of Decree 168 being officially applied, especially when it comes to deducting and restoring driving license points.
VN (according to VTC News)