Traffic – Urban areas

More than 1,600 vehicles have applied for new registration online on the VneID Public Service Portal

VN (according to VNA) September 8, 2024 05:59

As of the afternoon of September 6, the number of newly registered vehicles online on the VneID Public Service Portal was about 1,620 vehicles, the police agency had completed procedures for 1,383 files, the rest were waiting for license plates and payment.

Thiếu tướng Hoàng Anh Tuyên, Phó Chánh Văn phòng thông tin về kết quả triển khai đăng ký xe trên Cổng Dịch vụ công VNeID. (Ảnh: PV/Vietnam+)
Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen, Deputy Chief of Office, informed about the results of vehicle registration implementation on VNeID Public Service Portal

The implementation of the first-time vehicle registration process on the VneID Public Service Portal from August 1 is bringing many conveniences, helping people not have to go to the police station, not have to register their vehicles directly but can register their license plates online at home.

This is the information shared by Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen, Deputy Chief of Office and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Security at the Government press conference on September 7 in Hanoi.

According to Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen, vehicle registration is a very essential and popular field for people. Currently, the procedure for first-time vehicle registration is relatively complicated, such as paying fees, taxes, registering chassis numbers, engine numbers, etc. The Ministry of Public Security identifies this as one of the public service procedures that is very close to the people.

The leaders of the Ministry of Public Security have directed relevant units to issue Circular 28/2024/TT-BCA on June 29, 2024, which stipulates that from August 1, 2024, the Public Security sector will provide public services for first-time vehicle registration on the Ministry of Public Security's Public Service Portal and apply VneID for domestically manufactured and assembled cars and motorbikes for vehicle owners who are Vietnamese citizens.

“This is a very early regulation, demonstrating the Ministry's strong determination. Although the circular was issued in June 2024 and implemented on August 1, the competent authorities of the Ministry of Public Security have closely coordinated with relevant units to do many things, including connecting and connecting the vehicle inspection department under the Ministry of Transport, the tax payment procedures of the Ministry of Finance, regularly maintaining procedures and regulations, and organizing training with a very focused work intensity. On August 1, this service was implemented in practice,” said Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen.

Providing specific figures, Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen said that in the first month, from August 1 to August 31, 728 vehicles were registered, of which 108 were cars, the rest were motorbikes. By the afternoon of September 6, the number of vehicles registered online had doubled, to about 1,620 vehicles, the police had completed procedures for 1,383 files, of which 1,083 were cars and motorbikes, the rest were waiting for license plates and payment.

“The entire process of first-time vehicle registration on the VneID Public Service Portal helps reform administrative procedures and facilitates people in carrying out these procedures. Up to now, the initial implementation of the entire process for first-time registration of domestically produced vehicles has received very positive feedback from people and the whole society,” said Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen.

The leaders of the Ministry of Public Security also said that because this is a new service that requires close coordination, the first days of implementation still have problems and certain difficulties, especially around connection, compatibility between software, data lookup, and many procedures that are very new to the people.

“However, up to now, the police have carried out administrative procedures, customs procedures, and vehicle inspections of the Ministry of Transport very well. Basically, the existing problems and difficulties in the entire process of vehicle registration for the first time have been resolved and implemented in an orderly manner,” said the leader of the Ministry of Public Security.

Major General Hoang Anh Tuyen said that implementing the Government's policy, the Ministry of Public Security is one of the leading ministries, determined in deploying public services. Up to now, the Ministry of Public Security has deployed all 224 online public services, accounting for a very high number of full-process services with the goal of serving people and businesses. This deployment has received the consensus and high appreciation of the people. For example, to declare the full process of issuing ordinary passports, people now do not have to come directly.

According to data in the first 8 months of the year, the Ministry of Public Security has resolved 4.5 million requests for online public services. In August alone, online public services resolved nearly 500,000 records, accounting for more than 99%.

VN (according to VNA)
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More than 1,600 vehicles have applied for new registration online on the VneID Public Service Portal