
Grade 9 students in Hai Duong begin registering for grade 10 high school exams

THE ANH May 16, 2024 16:54

On May 16, 9th grade students in Hai Duong began registering for the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year.

The exam guidance team of Pham Su Manh Secondary School (Kinh Mon) guides 9th grade students to register for the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year (photo provided by the facility)

After consulting the needs of students, the Exam Guidance Team of each school distributed 2 types of registration forms to students and instructed candidates to register for the exam, including: registration form for the exam and admission to grade 10 of high school in the 2024-2025 school year and registration form for grade 10 of Nguyen Trai Specialized High School.

After filling in all the information, the candidates submit the exam registration form to the school. The exam guidance team of each school enters the candidates' exam registration data into the exam management software of the Department of Education and Training. After that, the school prints the exam registration list, assigns the homeroom teacher to the students to check and compare the information. The students sign to confirm that they have checked and are responsible for the accuracy of the information, especially the admission wishes.

The principal of the secondary school where the candidate registers for the exam is responsible for any errors or inconsistencies in the candidate’s information. Each student is provided with a candidate code by the secondary school to log into the exam management software to check their personal information, exam registration, admission wishes, exam location, admission results, etc.

Each candidate can register for a maximum of 2 wishes to 2 public high schools, ranked in order of priority: wish 1 and wish 2. In addition, candidates can register for a wish to 1 private high school or 1 facility implementing a continuing education program at the high school level.

For admission to Nguyen Trai High School for the Gifted, candidates taking the math exam can only register for one of two options: math or computer science. Candidates taking the English exam can register for the following options in order: English, French, or Russian. Candidates who have passed their previous option will not be considered for their next option.

Candidates graduating from junior high school in 2024 register to take the exam at the junior high school where they studied grade 9. Independent candidates register to take the exam at the junior high school in the area where the candidate or their parents or guardians register to reside.

According to the plan, candidates registering for the exam and the exam guidance team of each school will enter the candidates' registration data into the exam management software of the Department of Education and Training from May 16 to 22. After 5:00 p.m. on May 22, candidates will not be allowed to register for additional information or adjust their wishes. On May 23, the units will review and make final corrections to incorrect information of candidates (no adjustment of wishes); the Department of Education and Training will publicly announce candidates who are not eligible to take the exam. This is the third school year that the Department of Education and Training has implemented the online exam registration form.

The 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year will take place from June 1-2. On June 3, candidates will take specialized subjects at Nguyen Trai High School for the Gifted. This year, the province has about 30,400 ninth graders. The Department of Education and Training has assigned 26,103 enrollment quotas for the 10th grade in the 2024-2025 school year, including 15,168 enrollment quotas for public high schools.

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Grade 9 students in Hai Duong begin registering for grade 10 high school exams