The whole Hai Duong province has planted about 21,300 hectares of winter vegetables, exceeding the plan.
According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, as of December 3, the whole province had planted about 21,300 hectares of winter vegetables, exceeding the plan by 250 hectares. Many of the province's main vegetables were basically planted in excess of the planned area. The largest area was onions and garlic with 6,621 hectares (exceeding 121 hectares), carrots with 1,220 hectares (exceeding 20 hectares)...
More than half of the districts, towns and cities in the province have achieved and exceeded the plan for growing winter vegetables. Kinh Mon town is leading the province in terms of vegetable growing area with 4,481 hectares, followed by Nam Sach district with 2,730 hectares, Gia Loc with 2,355 hectares, Kim Thanh with 2,288 hectares...
After storm No. 3 (storm Yagi) and the historic flood that followed, favorable weather and few pests and diseases created favorable conditions for growing winter vegetables. The progress of winter crop production was fast because most of the area was mechanized in all stages from rice harvesting, land preparation to sowing, irrigation, etc.
After the above flood, a significant amount of alluvium has deposited nutrients for vegetable growing areas outside the Thai Binh River dike in Nam Sach and Cam Giang districts... Thousands of hectares of carrots and potatoes grown outside the dike are growing well, with negligible pests and diseases, promising high yields.
Currently, many areas of early winter vegetables such as cabbage, kohlrabi, leafy vegetables, watermelon... in localities such as Tu Ky, Gia Loc, Kim Thanh, Thanh Mien have been harvested. Farmers are basically making profits, high profits. After the harvest, people have been preparing the land to rotate planting and caring for the second crop of vegetables.
Hai Duong aims to plant an additional 1,000 hectares of winter vegetables compared to the plan. Farmers in the province are currently actively growing cold-loving vegetables to sell in time for the upcoming Tet holiday.
In the 2022-2023 winter crop, the whole province planted more than 22,000 hectares of various vegetables, exceeding the plan by 4.8%; the output was more than 486,000 tons, an increase of over 3,200 tons compared to the previous winter crop.