
Hanoi has its first case of whooping cough, a 6-week-old girl

According to VTC News November 30, 2023 05:59

The Hanoi Department of Health recorded the first case in 2023 of whooping cough, an acute infectious disease that often progresses severely and can easily lead to death due to secondary infection.

According to the Hanoi Department of Health, the first case of whooping cough in the capital this year was a 6-week-old baby girl living in Dan Phuong district, who developed the disease on November 10 with symptoms of cough, no fever, and no vomiting.

On November 11, the family took the child to the National Children's Hospital for examination, was diagnosed with bronchopneumonia and prescribed medication for home treatment.

However, after 3 days the illness subsided, on the 4th day, the family took the child to Phuong Dong Hospital for examination and was prescribed medicine to continue treatment at home.

On November 16, the patient showed signs of coughing a lot at night, poor feeding, coughing spells lasting about 10 minutes, cyanosis and was taken by his family to the National Children's Hospital in a state of breathing marsk oxygen, SpO2 dropped to 89% (no oxygen breathing), red throat, swollen nose. The patient was tested for whooping cough by PCR with positive results.

Tiêm vaccine là biện pháp phòng bệnh ho gà chủ động và hiệu quả nhất.

Injectionvaccineis the most active and effective measure to prevent whooping cough.

Whooping cough is an acute contagious disease that can occur at any age, but is common in children. The main symptoms of the disease are severe coughing and wheezing.

The disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract by direct contact with secretions from the nasal and throat mucosa of an infected person when coughing or sneezing. The possibility of spreading the disease is high, especially for children living in the same closed space such as schools.

The disease often progresses severely, easily leading to death due to secondary infection, causing complications such as pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, especially in children under 5 years old and malnourished children.

According to doctors' recommendations, vaccination with whooping cough component is the most active and effective measure to prevent whooping cough. Children who have not been vaccinated on schedule or who have been vaccinated late should be vaccinated as soon as possible to effectively prevent whooping cough.

According to VTC News
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Hanoi has its first case of whooping cough, a 6-week-old girl