As for practicing thrift in weddings and funerals, I support it and it must be done thoroughly.
Sitting around in the evening, Mrs. Ngoan said to some people in the neighborhood:
- I heard that Mr. Toan's family in the next neighborhood had over a hundred trays of food for his funeral the other day, but because it was raining, guests only came to pick it up and then left, so almost half of it was unsold and had to be given away.
Mrs. Thuan shook her head:
- At this price, each tray of food costs nearly a million dong. What a waste.
Mrs. Binh contributed:
- It's not just funerals that have caused problems. Weddings in our country are now also opening up, with lavish and expensive feasts. I have a feeling that after several years of the Covid-19 pandemic, funerals and weddings have been limited, so people are competing to make up for it. From funerals, weddings to exhumations... they are competing to make up for it. I don't know when this situation will end.
Mrs. Tam said:
- The other day I attended a funeral in a neighboring commune and saw that they practiced a very civilized lifestyle. Each family in the residential area sent a person to see them off, then everyone went home, without organizing a meal or party. The family only prepared a few trays of food for their children and guests from far away. The votive paper was collected and burned, not scattered on the street, and there was no scattering of real money like in funerals in our country. The trumpets and drums were only played until 10 pm and there were no crying trumpets. Anyone who violated the law did not take part in the organization. I also learned that instead of burial, most families have now switched to cremation, which is both cleaner and avoids risks when reburied later. I thought it was good so I asked more about weddings and was told by someone there that many weddings were held simply at the village's cultural house. I think my hometown should also learn from it because it is suitable for a civilized, modern lifestyle.
Mrs. Binh agreed:
- I support and must do it thoroughly when it comes to saving money on weddings and funerals. In our country, both the filial and the happy ones are celebrated with meals for several days, which is extremely expensive. My uncle's family, last year, had to borrow tens of millions of dong to organize a wedding for the eldest son, and they still haven't paid it off. As for funerals, many families have children who take care of their parents and then end up in discord and conflict because the cost is too high.
Mrs. Thuan said:
- I heard that next week our village will have a meeting to get opinions on how to overcome the shortcomings in the regulations for weddings and funerals. I hope that after this period our village will have many changes.