Administrative reform

The mark of streamlining the apparatus in Hai Duong

NGUYEN HONG SON, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Organization Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee January 2, 2025 05:10

Hai Duong has achieved many outstanding and important results after 7 years of implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW on continuing to innovate and reorganize the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently.


Comrade Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Tran Duc Thang chaired the meeting of the Steering Committee to summarize the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of Hai Duong province on December 16.

Resolutely direct and implement

Before the Central Committee issued Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 on a number of issues regarding continuing to innovate and reorganize the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently, right after the 16th Hai Duong Provincial Party Congress, the Provincial Party Executive Committee proactively directed the development of two projects.

These are Project No. 01-DA/TU, dated August 29, 2016 of the Provincial Party Committee on rearranging, perfecting the organization and apparatus, improving the quality of operations of the political system in communes, wards and towns in the period of 2016-2020; Project No. 03-DA/TU, dated April 28, 2017 of the Provincial Party Committee on rearranging the organization and apparatus associated with streamlining the payroll in public service units in the province in the period of 2016-2021. The Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2769/QD-UBND, dated September 12, 2017, along with the implementation plan of Project 03-DA/TU, dated April 28, 2017 of the Provincial Party Committee.

To seriously and effectively implement Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, the Provincial Party Standing Committee directed the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee, the Party Delegation of the Provincial People's Council, Party committees at all levels, and Party organizations under the Provincial Party Committee to develop specific plans to disseminate and implement the resolution in accordance with the realities of localities, agencies, and units.

Party committees, party organizations, and authorities at all levels have promptly received, completed, and issued implementation plans. In particular, the Provincial Party Standing Committee has issued 3 projects, 4 plans, 1 announcement, and 4 instructions for implementing the resolution. The plans, action programs, and projects closely follow the goals and roadmap of the Central Committee on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined, operate effectively and efficiently, and associated with streamlining the payroll.

Organizations, agencies and units assigned according to the province's plan proactively implement tasks and solutions to ensure quality, efficiency and progress. Clearly promote the role of the Standing Committee member in charge of the area; regularly urge and monitor the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW for district Party Committees, town Party Committees, city Party Committees, affiliated Party Committees, departments, branches, sectors, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in the province.

After 7 years of implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, Hai Duong has reduced 187 public service units (illustrative photo)

Synchronous and specific solutions

Implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, Party committees at all levels in the province have closely and synchronously led and directed with high determination, great efforts and drastic actions, in which the role and responsibility of the leaders have been highly promoted.

Based on the resolutions, plans and conclusions of the Central Committee, Party committees at all levels have proactively concretized them into specific programs and tasks and organized their implementation. In the process of implementing the arrangement, targets for arranging administrative units, streamlining the apparatus, and streamlining the payroll have been assigned through decisions, plans and linked to the responsibilities of the heads. There are annual assessments, linked to responsibilities reviews, and suggestions for year-end reviews in the slow arrangement of the apparatus, and the failure to streamline the number of deputies... according to regulations.

Hai Duong has implemented both the organization and the streamlining of the number of deputies according to the plan and roadmap. Developed specific guidelines on the process of organization and staff arrangement, staff assignment and policy implementation for staff. The implementation process is synchronous, public, democratic, transparent, cautious and humane. The organization is streamlined but does not affect the general operations of agencies and units; at the same time, sufficient resources are allocated and there are appropriate mechanisms and policies for those directly affected in the process of organization and staff arrangement.

Outstanding results

Along with regular solutions and tasks, according to the roadmap, Hai Duong has focused on implementing specific tasks to arrange and streamline the apparatus.

The Provincial Party Standing Committee has issued a project and decided to end the activities of the Provincial Business Bloc Party Committee from January 1, 2019; transfer 81 grassroots party organizations under the Provincial Business Bloc Party Committee to the Provincial Agencies Bloc Party Committee and district and city areas.

The Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee has issued 6 regulations on the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the advisory and support agencies of the Provincial Party Committee. On that basis, the advisory and support agencies of the Provincial Party Committee have completed the arrangement and reorganization of the focal points under the agencies and units in accordance with regulations.

From 2019 to now, Hai Duong has reduced 58 communes, wards and towns. In the photo: Activities at the "one-stop" department of the new Cam Giang town have been operating stably after Cam Giang town merged with Thach Loi commune since December 1.

For local authorities, the internal organization of focal points has been reorganized, reducing the number of focal points under departments, branches, sectors, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations of the province, provincial agencies and units, and the internal organization of each affiliated organization such as branches, centers, departments, offices, etc. Piloting the holding of a number of leadership and management positions and implementing a number of new models of organization and apparatus. Public service units have strictly implemented the review, arrangement, restructuring of the organization and management system, improving the quality and efficiency of operations in accordance with the direction of the Central and the province.

The Provincial Party Standing Committee also directed the internal organization arrangement; implemented each department, branch, sector, Fatherland Front, provincial-level socio-political organizations, each branch and center under the provincial-level department and sector to reduce at least 1 specialized department and equivalent compared to current regulations. Strictly implement the arrangement and consolidation of the organization and apparatus of the political system in communes, wards and towns; complete the arrangement of the number of departments and deputy departments of specialized agencies of the Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations at the provincial and district levels...

With the high political determination of the entire political system from the province to the grassroots level; supported by cadres and party members; and with the resolute and synchronous direction and responsibility of the heads of Party committees, authorities, agencies and units in the deployment and implementation, Hai Duong has achieved many outstanding and important results.

After 7 years of implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, the whole province has reduced 1 Party Committee directly under the Provincial Party Committee; reduced 58 communes, wards, towns, 135 villages, residential areas; reduced 187 public service units; reduced 83 departments and equivalent; reduced 52 department heads and equivalent, 207 deputy department heads and equivalent and reduced 836 commune-level cadres, civil servants, 2,439 public employees, 4,174 part-time workers at commune, village and residential area levels.

The results of implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW are important premises and experiences for Hai Duong to continue seriously and effectively implementing the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus according to the direction and orientation of the Central Government in the coming time.

Officials need to work for the common good

We are very excited with the satisfactory policies of the state and the province for people retiring early when arranging administrative units at the commune level.

Before the official merger, the People's Council of Hai Duong province proactively considered and approved a resolution stipulating support policies for commune-level officials, civil servants and non-professional workers at the commune level who retire early or quit their jobs due to redundancy when rearranging commune-level administrative units in the period of 2023 - 2025, with the highest level of up to 150 million VND/person.

If I continue working, I have about 7 years left to work, but I realize that my old age is not suitable for working in the digital transformation era, with increasingly high job requirements. Therefore, I proactively applied for early retirement to contribute to facilitating personnel work, leaving opportunities for young people with outstanding abilities.

This is the right time for officials like me to put aside our work so that the younger generation can take over, continue and promote our own and local advantages, for the common good.

Nguyen The Tho, former Chairman of the People's Committee of the old Tai Son commune (now Ky Son commune, Tu Ky district)

Lean combined with training and improving staff capacity

Implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, the number of staff in the People's Party bloc, the government bloc and the staff of affiliated public service units has significantly decreased.

The staff of district and commune-level officials and civil servants are arranged in sufficient numbers, with a reasonable structure according to job positions and have professional qualifications and skills to meet requirements in the process of performing public duties.

To continue to innovate and streamline the apparatus, it is necessary to arrange the staff of civil servants and public employees in a streamlined and quality-enhancing direction. In particular, there should be preferential policies to attract high-quality human resources to work locally. Training policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers must also be "refined", with in-depth and specialized training, avoiding generalities that cause waste and inefficiency.

Thus, when the apparatus is compact in quantity but refined in quality, it will still ensure good performance of tasks and functions at agencies and units in the context of large workloads like today.

Pham Thi Huyen Linh, Deputy Director of Binh Giang District Political Center

Early guidance on streamlining and providing adequate treatment for affected people

In the coming time, to streamline the apparatus, Hai Duong will consolidate, merge and reorganize many public service units under departments, branches and unions. The Hai Duong Youth Employment Service Center of the Hai Duong Provincial Youth Union will merge with 3 other centers into 1 vocational training center under the Department of Education and Training.

It is the end of the year with many tasks that need to be transferred between the old year and the new year, especially many tasks of the new year that need to be implemented right now. However, due to the policy of implementing mergers and consolidations, some tasks are somewhat affected.

We hope to soon have synchronous and specific instructions and directions and to carry out the arrangement and streamlining according to a reasonable roadmap to ensure that there is no interruption in operations, affecting the performance of functions and tasks of the units.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to policies and appropriate regimes for those affected by the streamlining of the apparatus because these are all cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers who have worked for a long time and are attached to the unit. The working headquarters of the newly established unit after the merger also needs to be arranged early.

Nguyen Thi Xiem, Director of Hai Duong Youth Employment Service Center

NGUYEN HONG SON, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Organization Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee
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The mark of streamlining the apparatus in Hai Duong