Administrative reform

Building a two-level government model must be careful, thorough, and of high quality.

VN (according to VNA) March 23, 2025 12:06

The Minister of Home Affairs emphasized that the arrangement of provincial-level administrative units, the reorganization of commune-level administrative units, and the construction of a two-level government organization model must ensure 'cautiousness, thoroughness, and quality'.

Bộ trưởng Bộ Nội vụ Phạm Thị Thanh Trà phát biểu tại Phiên họp lần thứ nhất Ban chỉ đạo thực hiện sắp xếp, tổ chức lại đơn vị hành chính các cấp và xây dựng mô hình tổ chức chính quyền địa phương 2 cấp. (Ảnh: Phạm Kiên/TTXVN)
Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra speaks at the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the arrangement and reorganization of administrative units at all levels and the construction of a two-level local government organization model.

The process of streamlining the apparatus from the central to local levels is entering the second phase, preparing to reorganize the apparatus at the commune level.

After amending the new Constitution, we will study and consider abolishing the district level and arranging the provincial level.

At the first meeting of the Government's Steering Committee on science, technology, innovation, digital transformation and Project 06, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra said that it is expected to complete the entire arrangement of commune-level administrative units before June 30 so that by July 1, commune-level administrative units will operate under the new organization.

We will also focus on completing the merger of provincial administrative units before August 30 so that we can immediately start operating provincial administrative units starting from September 1.

Although the process of organizing a two-level local government is being implemented very urgently with the spirit of "running and queuing at the same time", the arrangement of provincial-level administrative units, the reorganization of commune-level administrative units and the construction of a two-level local government organization model must ensure "cautiousness, thoroughness and quality".

The requirement of "caution, thoroughness, and quality" in the face of this extremely important and urgent task is even more clearly demonstrated when recently, the Central Steering Committee on summarizing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW issued instructions in Official Dispatch No. 43-CV/BCĐ on the Plan to continue to reorganize the apparatus of the political system.

The Central Steering Committee requested the Government Party Committee to preside over and coordinate with the Central Organizing Committee and relevant agencies to receive opinions from localities, agencies and units, complete the Submission and Project on reorganizing administrative units at all levels and building a model of organizing a 2-level local government to report to the Politburo before March 25, 2025; receive opinions from the Politburo, complete the Submission and Project and send documents to report to the Central Executive Committee before April 1, 2025.

The Central Steering Committee also requested Party committees, Party organizations, agencies, units and leaders to focus on directing, urgently and drastically implementing tasks, ensuring that agencies, units and organizations after the reorganization operate smoothly, effectively and efficiently immediately, without interruption of work, without leaving vacant areas or fields, without affecting the normal activities of agencies, units, organizations and society; not to collect fees and charges from individuals and organizations that have to change documents and procedures due to the reorganization of administrative units.

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man recently chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly Party Committee to give opinions on a number of contents related to the Project on orientations for the election of deputies to the 16th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2026-2031 term and the amendment and supplementation of the Law on the Election of National Assembly Deputies and People's Council Deputies; and the progress of work to serve the amendment and supplementation of a number of articles of the 2013 Constitution.

During the meeting, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man also said that the contents considered at this meeting are aimed at streamlining the organizational apparatus to submit to competent authorities. At the same time, he emphasized that the revolution of streamlining the apparatus is entering its second phase, streamlining the apparatus at ward and commune levels; after amending the Constitution, considering abolishing the district level and rearranging the provincial level.

Also with the spirit of "running and lining up at the same time" to implement the Party's policy into life, the revolution of streamlining and streamlining the apparatus is continuing to be carried out strongly in localities across the country.

Ho Chi Minh City has done a good job in political and ideological work, restructuring and organizing the apparatus, reducing 15% of internal organization, 20% of staff; proactively preparing steps to organize Party Congresses at all levels according to Directive 35.

The city has issued programs and actions, determined to achieve double-digit growth, actively handle backlog projects, and clear the way for development.

Ho Chi Minh City is continuing to lead and direct the arrangement of the internal apparatus, especially the disorganization of administrative units at the district and county levels; continuing to prepare for Party Congresses at all levels; building growth scenarios; renewing traditional growth drivers, continuing to promote new growth drivers, effectively implementing the construction of social housing and ensuring social security and the environment...

In Binh Dinh province, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Ho Quoc Dung also made it clear that cadres must be exemplary and unanimous in implementing the Party's policies, and not delay work, affecting the country's development.

The Provincial Party Secretary requested that during the time of reorganizing the apparatus, administrative units, and implementing the two-level local government, district-level local leaders must be ready to take on new positions and new jobs, contribute their efforts to the common development, and be ready to undertake assigned tasks.

The cadres and civil servants in the reorganization are ready to carry out the assigned tasks and continue to contribute to the development of the province. The province will handle the responsibility of cadres and civil servants who are negligent and delay in their work, affecting the overall development progress of the province.

VN (according to VNA)
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Building a two-level government model must be careful, thorough, and of high quality.