This is one of the requirements at the 2023 training conference on professional development in office work at the Party Committee level.
On the morning of November 25, the Provincial Party Committee Office held a training conference to foster professional skills in Party Committee office work in 2023.
More than 100 trainees are leaders and specialists working in synthesis, documents and archives at the Provincial Party Committee Office, Party Committee Offices of districts, cities and towns; Party Committees of Provincial Agencies; advisory agencies assisting the Provincial Party Committee; and Party agencies under the Provincial Party Committee attending.
Directly presenting the topic of functions and tasks of the Office of the Provincial and District Party Committees and some requirements to improve the quality of the Office of the Party Committee, Comrade Nguyen Huu Thong, Chief of the Provincial Party Committee Office, emphasized that office work is of special importance, helping leaders grasp the situation, thereby making the right decisions. Office staff of the Party Committee must be loyal, dedicated to their work, have deep expertise, meet the requirements of job positions in the fields of synthesis, finance, documents, etc. The leader of the Party Committee Office must be good at expertise, knowledgeable in many fields, exemplary, dynamic and creative, and be the center of solidarity.
At the conference, the trainees listened to two more topics: Some experiences in editing, synthesizing, advising, and serving the Party Committee; Some basic contents on document archiving and internal political protection. Through the training conference, the leadership team of the Party Committee Office, specialists in synthesizing, document archiving, and documenting will grasp the basic contents of their roles, functions, and tasks to advise and assist the Party Committee in effectively leading and directing assigned political tasks, enhancing the role and effectiveness of the Party's leadership.