Science - Technology

5 outstanding scientists will come to Vietnam in December

TH (according to VTC News) November 25, 2024 14:20

Outstanding scientists will be present in Vietnam at the VinFuture 2024 event series to discuss the future of the world.

The VinFuture 2024 Science and Technology Week and Awards Ceremony will take place from December 4 to 7 in Hanoi. The series of international events, gathering many outstanding names in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), materials science, health science, environment and sustainable development, etc., will bring a lot of information and new perspectives on the future of the world.

Professor Yann LeCun - Father of AI

GS Yann LeCun (Ảnh: The New York Academy of Sciences)
Professor Yann LeCun

The panel discussion “Implementing AI in Practice” (December 4) will feature a special speaker - one of the “fathers” of AI - Professor Yann LeCun. He is currently Vice President and Director of AI Science at Meta, and a professor at New York University, USA.

Professor LeCun is famous for his research in AI, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and computational neuroscience. In particular, he has made great contributions to the fields of deep learning and convolutional neural networks (CNN). CNN is the foundation of many products and services deployed by global technology giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Baidu, AT&T... and is used by billions of people around the world every day.

In 2018, Professor LeCun and two scientists, Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, received the Turing Award - considered the Nobel Prize in the field of Computer Science.

Professor Marina Freitag - Scientist who innovated solar cells

GS Marina Freitag (Ảnh: NVCC)
Professor Marina Freitag

Participating in the discussion “Materials for a Sustainable Future” (December 4), Professor Marina Freitag - a world-leading energy researcher at the Royal Society of Engineering at Newcastle University (UK) will share about breakthrough research in the field of sustainable photovoltaic technology.

By using advanced low-dimensional coordination polymers to harvest energy from the surrounding environment, Professor Freitag has successfully developed dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Compared with conventional solar panels, DSSCs achieve record efficiency under ambient light conditions.

For his outstanding contributions to the field of sustainable materials, in 2022, Professor Freitag was awarded the prestigious Harrison - Meldola Memorial Prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.

Professor Seth Marder - "Living knowledge repository" of humanity

GS Seth Marde (Ảnh: Đại học Colorado Boulder)
Professor Seth Marde

Also participating in the discussion “Materials for a Sustainable Future” was Professor Seth Marder, Director of the Institute for Renewable and Sustainable Energy - a joint organization between the University of Colorado-Boulder and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the US Department of Energy.

Known as the “living knowledge repository of humanity”, Professor Marder possesses a huge scientific research portfolio, including more than 600 peer-reviewed articles, more than 80,000 citations, and 40 patents. In addition, he also co-founded two successful startups.

His contributions were recognized with prestigious awards: Georgia Tech Distinguished Research Author Award, Distinguished Professor Class of 1934 (Georgia Tech's highest award for faculty), Humboldt Research Award.

Professor Valery Feigin - The world's top 1 all-round scientist

GS Valery Feigin (Ảnh: Royal Society Te Aparangi)
Professor Valery Feigin

Professor Valery Feigin is one of the names that the domestic and international medical community is most looking forward to at the seminar “Innovations in Cardiovascular Health Care and Stroke Treatment” (December 5). He is a world-leading professor in the field of neurology and epidemiology, currently holding the position of Director of the National Institute of Stroke and Applied Neuroscience, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and an Associate Professor at the University of Washington, USA.

Professor Feigin is also Co-Chair of the Global Policy Committee of the World Stroke Organization and a member of the Technical Advisory Group to the World Health Organization on Research and Innovation related to Noncommunicable Diseases.

According to Web of Science, since 2018, Professor Feigin has consistently been in the top 1% of the most cited scientists in the world in all scientific fields. As of September 2024, more than 350,000 citations were drawn from his research.

Prof. Yafang Cheng - Field of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Professor Yafang Cheng

Expected to bring useful solutions to the problem of sustainable urban development in Vietnam is the seminar “Air pollution and traffic: Opportunities and challenges for Vietnam and the world” (December 5). The speakers of this event include Professor Yafang Cheng, Director of the Aerosol Chemistry Department - Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Germany), Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Atmospheric Geophysical Research (JGR Atmospheres) of the American Geophysical Union.

Not only is he one of the most cited scientists (according to Clarivate & Web of Science), Professor Cheng's talent is also recognized with a series of international awards, such as: Joanne Simpson Medal and Ascent Prize in Atmospheric Science of the American Geophysical Union; Top 10 Scientific Breakthroughs of 2021 in Physical Sciences of the Falling Walls Foundation; Schmauss Prize of the Aerosol Research Association, Germany.

In addition to the above-mentioned famous names, VinFuture 2024 also gathers many outstanding intellectuals with outstanding contributions at the world level, such as: Professor Quarraisha Abdool Karim - President of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS); Professor Richard Henry Friend - winner of the 2010 Millennium Technology Award; Professor Martin Andrew Green - the "father" of the solar power industry and winner of the 2022 Millennium Technology Award and the VinFuture 2023 Main Prize. Along with that, Professor Leslie Gabriel Valiant - the founder of machine learning theory and winner of the 2010 AM Turing Award; Professor Nguyen Thuc Quyen - Top of the world's most influential scientific minds in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

TH (according to VTC News)
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5 outstanding scientists will come to Vietnam in December