
From 2025, full vehicle registration for imported vehicles

PV (synthesis) December 11, 2024 20:16

Full vehicle registration for imported vehicles from 2025 aims to simplify administrative procedures in the field of vehicle registration, creating convenience and positive effects for people.

Với ứng dụng định danh quốc gia VNeID, người dân ở nhà cũng vẫn có thể đăng ký xe. (Ảnh minh họa: Nhựt An/TTXVN)
With the national identification application VNeID, people can still register their vehicles at home.

According to information from the Traffic Police Department, from January 1, 2025, vehicle owners who are Vietnamese citizens with level 2 identification accounts will register their entire vehicle for imported vehicles.

This is a policy to simplify administrative procedures in the field of vehicle registration to the maximum; the first-time online vehicle registration procedure for imported vehicles will continue to bring convenience and positive effects to people during the implementation process.

With the goal of taking people as the center of service, simplifying administrative procedures, promoting digital transformation in the People's Public Security, contributing to the success of national digital transformation, in the field of vehicle registration, the Ministry of Public Security has issued Circular No. 28/2028/TT-BCA, which stipulates the first-time online vehicle registration process for domestically manufactured and assembled vehicles using online public services on the Ministry of Public Security's Public Service Portal or the national identification application from August 1, 2024.

After 4 months of implementation, the first-time vehicle registration public service has brought positive results and has been enthusiastically supported and welcomed by the people.

In order to continue promoting digital transformation, serving the maximum interests of the people, and effectively implementing the Project on developing applications of data on population, identification and electronic authentication, the Minister of Public Security has signed and issued Circular No. 79/2024/TT-BCA regulating the issuance and revocation of vehicle registration certificates, license plates of motor vehicles and specialized motorbikes.

Among them, the scope of first-time online registration will be expanded, adding to imported vehicles from January 1, 2025 for vehicle owners who are Vietnamese citizens with level 2 identification accounts.

People can register and get license plates online at any time, without having to take their vehicles to the vehicle registration office for a physical inspection. The procedure is quick and simple, saving time and travel costs.

To do this, it requires coordination and connection of many data systems of ministries and branches; at the same time, there are also changes in implementation methods.

Vehicle importing enterprises must provide a copy of the engine number and chassis number, stamped with the enterprise's seal, and affixed to the back of the Certificate of Technical Safety and Environmental Protection.

During the implementation process, the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security have directed to promote widespread propaganda on mass media so that people can grasp and access the new regulations on vehicle registration; at the same time, they have directed the Traffic Police Department and the Ministry of Public Security's Public Service Portal to strengthen guidance at vehicle registration points, to promptly guide people and vehicle registration officers to implement.

With the policy of maximally simplifying administrative procedures in the field of vehicle registration; the first-time online vehicle registration procedure for imported vehicles will continue to bring convenience and positive effects to people during the implementation process.

PV (synthesis)
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From 2025, full vehicle registration for imported vehicles