With specific instructions, increased allowances..., the work of preparing personnel for Party cell secretaries in villages and residential areas in the province is quite favorable, with high consensus.
Grassroots Party committees in the province are actively preparing to organize Party congresses of villages and residential areas.
Chi Linh is the leader.
Party cells in villages and residential areas play a core role, a political nucleus at the grassroots level and are a direct bridge between the Party and the people, contributing to the successful implementation of local tasks. Therefore, the selection of Party cell secretaries is of great significance.
Chi Linh is the first locality in the province to organize and complete the election of village and residential area chiefs. On July 21, 2024, all 155 villages and residential areas in Chi Linh City held elections for village and residential area chiefs for the 2024-2026 term. As a result, 155 people were elected, of which 13 were women, 8 were ethnic minorities, and 100% were party members. The number of re-elected village chiefs accounted for more than 80%, the rest were new personnel.
This result is very favorable for the preparation of personnel for Party cell secretaries of villages and residential areas in Chi Linh City. Because this is a locality that implements the policy of 100% Party cell secretaries being also village and residential area heads.
From December 9 to 15, Chi Linh City Party Committee organized "Party cell congress week".
The Party Committee of Le Loi Commune (Chi Linh) has 10 village party cells. By December 15, the village party cells had finished organizing their congresses. Comrade Nguyen Van Luan, Party Secretary and Chairman of the People's Council of Le Loi Commune, said that the congresses in the village party cells were all successful. The party cell secretaries who were introduced for election were all village chiefs and were elected to the position of party cell secretary with an absolute number of votes, including 9 re-elected comrades, 1 party cell secretary who was elected for the first time, born in 1989.
Comrade Nguyen Ho Ngoc, Head of the Chi Linh City Party Committee's Organization Board, said that the implementation of the Party cell congress in Chi Linh went smoothly. The model of Party cell secretary concurrently being the village and residential area head has brought about positive results, creating unity and consensus right from the issuance of the resolution to the decision to direct its implementation. Chi Linh City continues to implement 100% of Party cell secretaries concurrently being the village and residential area head.
Specific and clear instructions
Thanh Lang Commune Party Committee (Thanh Ha) has 10 Party cells with nearly 340 Party members, including 4 village Party cells. This is the Party Committee selected by the Standing Committee of Thanh Ha District Party Committee to direct the organization of the district's model congress. Along with the implementation of the construction of congress documents, the Commune Party Committee is focusing on directing the implementation of the congress at Party cells, especially village Party cells.
Comrade Tang Van Truong, Party Secretary and Chairman of Thanh Lang Commune People's Council, said that it is expected that in early January 2025, the commune's Party cells will hold congresses.
Up to now, 4 village Party cells have developed personnel plans and reported to the Party Committee for comments, including 3 candidates for re-election and 1 new candidate.
The personnel recommended for election as village party cell secretary all have high political qualities, ethics, and responsibility, and are trusted by party members and the people. "Currently, the guidelines for organizing party cell congresses, personnel standards, and election procedures for re-elected and new personnel are all clear and specific, so implementation in the locality has been very smooth, without any difficulties or problems," said Mr. Truong.
According to the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee, the maximum age of candidates for the first time to run for the position of Secretary of the residential area Party cell is no more than 65 years old for men and 60 years old for women; the maximum age for re-election is no more than 67 years old for men and 62 years old for women. In places with personnel difficulties, the age can be higher but must be approved by the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee.
With its own characteristics, Hai Duong City is one of the localities facing difficulties in personnel for village and residential area party cell secretaries due to many comrades being over the age of re-election. However, up to now, this difficulty has been resolved and has basically gone smoothly.
Comrade Pham Cong Quan, Head of the Organization Board of Hai Duong City Party Committee, said that Hai Duong City Party Committee has assigned the Party Committees of wards and communes to review the list and select personnel for the next term of Party cell secretaries of villages and residential areas to ensure stability, meet standards and requirements, and promote effective performance of tasks.
Up to now, the Party Committees of communes and wards in the city have reviewed and developed personnel plans for Party cell secretaries in villages and residential areas. The development of personnel plans has been quite favorable. In some cases where Party cell secretaries are past the age for re-election and the Party cell has real difficulties in finding new personnel, the Standing Committee and the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee have reviewed each specific case and agreed to allow more than 10 schools that are past the age for re-election to continue to nominate for election of secretaries at the next congress.
In addition to the advantages of specific policies and guidelines, high consensus and unity between the Party's will and the people's will, the preparation of personnel for village and residential area secretaries is also more favorable when the regime and allowances for this position are increasingly concerned and improved. This has attracted a source of capable, qualified and increasingly young human resources.